Reflection and informed decisions
This is a regular scheduled City Council meeting. Notice the red items listed on the 3-page revised agenda that was given to Council shortly before the meeting started tonight. One of the major problems about adding and posting items after the recommended 3-business-day notification prior to the meeting is that neither the Council nor the public always has sufficient time to thoroughly study the additional items, research them as necessary, and ask questions of others (especially if they’re not seated in Council Chambers). It’s about having adequate time to reflect (whether sleeping overnight on something or not). It’s about making informed decisions. It’s not about doing something illegal. Citizens for Transparency has addressed this many times. Tonight is an example why giving Council sufficient time to review documents is the best option.

Compare tonight’s 30-minute discussion about cannabis with another meeting when there were no discussions about “surprise” agenda items that appeared an hour or less before the meeting started. You get questions and Council catches mistakes when they have sufficient time to exam documents. Scroll down to the YouTube posted here at the bottom and observe the questions and conversations. Pull up pages 33-51 from the Council packet posted last Friday and follow along. Get documents from https://www.ely.mn.us/2024-meetings The discussion starts about 20 minutes into the YouTube video: 9. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS E. City Attorney.
To compare with another meeting, pull up Council packet and watch the posted YouTube video from the October 1st City Council meeting via https://elyminnesota.com/blog/city-council-oct-1-2024/
Watch those 30 minutes and then compare with the Oct 1st Council meeting. There was no time for thoughtful preparation on Oct 1st. This is why: (1) Additional items should not be added last minute as standard or normalized procedure. (2) All public City meetings should be streamed live and available free of charge 24/7/365 to the public, so WE can see what goes on that is not observable in the minutes alone.
Proposed Cannabis Ordinances
Listen carefully for details about the proposed cannabis ordinances. For example, can you eat edibles in public areas? Are cannabis hours different from liquor hours? Citizens for Transparency was unfortunately not able to record the Study Session on October 29th. Contact City Hall at 218-365-3224 to see if the Study Session was recorded and is being rebroadcast on Midco Cable and/or if you can order a CD. For those interested in printed details about the two proposed cannabis ordinances, read the documents from Council’s Special Study Session. The Oct 29th packet is available at https://www.ely.mn.us/2024-meetings and the minutes are in the Agenda Additions Council packet (same link).
There will be a Public Hearing on these two cannabis ordinances on December 3, 2024 at 4:30 pm. Will the public see the revised ordinances with tonight’s changes or the First Reading as originally presented tonight? Check the City website for the Public Announcement to see what documents were posted. This is YOUR chance for input!
“The Minutes Are in Your Packets“
After last week’s Council meeting, we all should now have a better understanding why Council Members rarely mention anything about what transpired at Committee and Department meetings, aside from the recommendations that are to be Council motions for action. Expect even more, “The minutes are in your packet.” This is sad, because there are so many interesting topics, discussions, and activities going on in these meetings! Hearing what goes on would motivate more citizens to apply. Please recognize what volunteer citizens are doing! Breaking news? Most people do not read the minutes in Council packets.
Fee Schedules
For those interested in current and proposed fees for the City of Ely, check out the Oct 29th Study Session Packet and the minutes posted in the City Council Nov 19th Agenda Additions packet. Both sets of documents are available online at https://www.ely.mn.us/2024-meetings. Those who question the fees and/or want more clarification, contact City Hall ASAP at 218-365-3224.
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