Two agenda items were approved too quickly tonight: A hotel development agreement (yellow highlights) and the first reading of Miners Lake ordinance change (blue highlights).
City Hall is pushing for actions, ordinances & developments BEFORE a new Council is seated in 2025. Artificial emergencies and “easiest ways” will be promoted. Stay vigilant! Your active civic participation in local government is essential, whether it is attending meetings, watching videos, sharing information, or contacting City Hall and Council Members. Your vote counts!
Scroll down for time markers and YouTube clip. Agendas and documents in Council packets are posted on Ely City website at
How could Council so quickly approve the Development Agreement without real discussion? The 3-page agreement was posted an hour before Council was to meet. Which members had adequate time to read through and understand the Development Agreement (and other documents that were suddenly added 1 hour before Council met)? Why was it so urgent to have Council sign off tonight? Supposedly so Ely and developer could apply for funding. But no deadline dates for filling were mentioned. And the application was already being scored. Was this current application submitted under the name of The Pillar Company LLC or Matt Stupnik, since scoring already started?
Compare the amount of time Council asked questions and commented re hotel development vs. time spent on the Dumpster Enclosure Ordinance. Answer: hotel zero minutes, dumpster 7 minutes
Why did The Pillar Company LLC suddenly appear as the one completing the renovation and conversion of the original Ely Community Center into a hotel? On the third page of the agreement, Mattew A Stupnik signed as owner of The Pillar Company LLC. He was supposedly the original owner and developer for the project. The Pillar Company LLC was not cited in previous documents, minutes or agendas. Why was this name change necessary? Is this a liability issue because failure is hinted at tonight?
40:14 minutes into the YouTube clip – Harold Langowski mentioned they’d been working for “some time” on this development agreement. 41:10 + He mentions if the project stalls or fails (not completed), IRRR will hold back on its funding (if granted). Who steps up to finish the project? Listen to details given about the IRRR funding being for demolition efforts. What about actual construction of hotel rooms and cigar room? Parking details still need to be agreed upon. 44:20 Council approved the development agreement without a single question, comment or discussion.
Who and what is The Pillar Company LLC? LLC = Limited Liability Company A quick search on the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Search Business Filings tonight (Oct. 1st) did not show The Pillar Company LLC as being registered in MN. It is not listed as an active or inactive business. So it was suddenly created or changed its name and thus is not listed tonight?
An address search for The Pillar Company LLC’s “principal place of business at 30 S 1st Ave East” brings up The Ely Community Center. Has the building been approved for occupation and operation of a business? In other words, is this a real (=working) office?

A search on the St. Louis County Parcel Tax Lookup for 30 S 1st Ave East shows Matthew Stupek is the owner. He lives in Dellwood, MN.
He purchased the property for $2 in December 2018.

A Google search on 30 S 1st Ave East also brings up an Ely website page titled “Community Center Information.” The attached photos “taken before the 2018 sale” aren’t posted, but a link to the 2014 Community Center Reuse Study (pdf) is still working as of Oct. 1, 2024. The sale price was $79,000?
The completion deadline has now changed from Summer of 2025 to maybe October 2026 . . . or later. It is not clear when the parking lot at 26 and 36 East Conan will be finished. Other issues and questions come to mind. There was no discussion tonight comparing this new agreement with the previous one Council signed in 2018.

Why did Council have to approve the first reading of Ordinance 378 tonight, removing the land stability requirement? They did not have enough facts – or requested clarifications – in front of them.
They did not have a map in their packet. The map below is what WE are providing for YOUR reference. Is the City talking about Spaulding, Trezona Trail, or whole shoreline? Answer: Whole shoreline around Miners Lake. There will probably be a zoning change, but nothing was presented saying how the different shoreline areas on Miners Lake will be zoned after the Ordinance has been approved (after 2nd reading and Public Hearing). Council was not told what could or is already in planning. Many residents on Miners Lake are concerned about future development that does not fit into their residential areas nor protect the natural environment (why they moved there).

If Council does not have enough information, they can always ask for more details and more input from the public or experts. Council has delayed holding first readings previously. They did not delay tonight. City Attorney Kelly Klun said, “It’s easiest for Council to first approve” the reading tonight and then get information. They will do the necessary checks. Easiest isn’t the best choice. Being informed first is the best choice.

On September 3, Council wanted the City Attorney to provide “more clarification” about the removal of “land stability.” It’s not clear in the excerpt to the left who’s purchasing which shoreline areas. There’s a vague reference to “the land that is being sold.” Should these areas best be designated and protected as open space? Rather than clarifying anything, as requested, an ordinance was presented for its first public reading.
7:30 – 10:40 minutes in YouTube: Dr. Catherine Helm-Clark spoke. She explained why the City should consult DNR before making any ordinance changes. She referenced Silver Rapids resort development issues and DNR involvement. Ely doesn’t need to get involved in lawsuit with the DNR.
10:40-12:45 discussion followed.

P&Z tried to get more information, even requesting it not appear on future agendas since no discussions were taking place. They didn’t have information., etc. But the topic – removal of land stability – kept appearing on the agenda. Requests for clarification were ignored or bypassed and suddenly the first reading appears. Something stinks and it ain’t rotting fish. Council does not understand and/or doesn’t want to take the time to understand the maneuvering going on. Council is being played against residents. Stop now before a messy Public Hearing is held. Beware when someone suggests you make uninformed decisions because it’s the “easiest way” to proceed.
Removal of “land stability” started appearing on P&Z agendas and/or minutes back in Dec 2024 if not earlier AFTER the ATV/RV development was successfully protested against by the Ely community. There are no coincidences.
Removal started appearing at the same time P&Z and City Hall pushed PUD (Planned Unit Development). There are no coincidences. Then P&Z Chair Mike Banovetz said the PUD would speed up approval processes, overriding the current ordinances that block or restrict a development. Watch the video clips posted for the Nov. 15, 2023 P&Z meeting, Part B, approximately 2 minutes into the clip. This is why Citizens for Transparency started recording.
Highlights with time markers on YouTube.
12:45 minutes into YouTube – Park & Recreation Board report and recommendations.
17:14 minutes into YouTube – Planning and Zoning Commission report and recommendations. 18:30-27:50 minutes – Cannabis discussion – P&Z/Council Study Session set for October 29th 27:50-34:05 minutes At Dumpster Enclosure Ordinance discussion – sent back to P&Z.
40:14-44:35 – Development Agreement with The Pillar Company LLC (See notes above)
55:26-58:19 – First reading of Ordinance 378 – land stability along Miners Lake shoreline (See notes above)
1:00:00-1:04:45 Harold Langowski responded to Correspondence from Ely Area Ambulance Service (EAAS) regarding replacement of Chuck Novak.

1:05:20 – Claudia McBride appointed to Tree Board
1:07:20- Ely membership in the Iron Range Brownfields Coalition (Page 151 in Council Packet) to seek grants from US EPA. Harold then asked to discuss funding applications status. Otts (property owners) have to fund development for monies not received. We’ll keep applying.
1:10:45 – Open Forum – Frederica Musgrave – Last minute additions to Council agendas should be posted earlier (by noon). An hour doesn’t allow time to review.
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