Last regular scheduled Ely, MN City Council meeting for 2024 was held on Dec 17, 2024. Check City website at for agenda+Council packet (181 pages) and additions posted today (15 pages). Scroll to the bottom for the YouTube video.

FM Note: The actual meeting started at 1:28 into the video clip. The camera was set to run earlier, because the Ely Police Chief had just requested FM record from the far back corner of the room rather than up front on the left side where FM had been recording for almost a year. Previously on Nov 19th, after the room cleared for closed meeting, Mayor Heidi Omerza suddenly told FM to no longer record up front on the left side (by windows). This was after Citizens for Transparency posted the previous week’s Council meeting at During Dec, FM still recorded the first regularly scheduled Council meeting, a Commission meeting, and 3 Public Hearings without incident or request to move from the left front side. The room was more crowded then. Tonight FM continued to record up front and was not arrested, thankfully.
Here is the first posting of a City Council meeting by Citizens for Transparency on Dec. 3, 2023 from the front left side:
Here are the first recordings of City meetings posted by Citizens for Transparency from the front of room (Planning & Zoning meeting on November 15, 2013):
12:07 Recognition of Ryan Callen. On Council for 8 years and chose not to run for re-election.

14:05 Recognition of Paul Kess. On Council for 22 years but lost bid for re-election.
Proud moments: Throughout the night, Council and City Administrator Harold Langowski mentioned their 2024 green energy efforts and successes as they went over tonight’s committee and department reports.
Interestingly, not all recommendations submitted to Council for $$ approval included estimated or actual costs on the agenda pages, even though info can be found in the minutes. Is there no standard procedure to include $$ in the recommendations that are all listed on the Council agenda? Why not? Exceptions stick out.
Citizens for Transparency would like to recognize Council Member Paul Kess for bringing up fiscal due diligence. He stood up.
Far too many purchases are made without first sincerely seeking bids from more than one source. Back on Sept 3rd, Paul Kess spoke out And tonight Paul Kess spoke more strongly. Who else on Council – or the Mayor – has sincerely questioned limited or missing fiscal due diligence? Who has insisted, “We need to do required fiscal due diligence?” Tonight Paul Kess was not joined by the Mayor or Council. He stood up. Kudos to Paul Kess.
What was on the agenda? There was a single source award to Ely Customer Theaters for the “surveillance, security and access control for the Trailhead facility.” The Projects Committee did not include any $$ amount in the agenda recommendation, although the cost could be $30,000. That’s Thirty thousand dollars. The actual Projects minutes from Dec. 9th note why this project was not intentionally included in the general contractor’s bid (page 21 in Council packet). A really unusual reason that should not have prevented requests for bids. Hmmm

59:58 Fire Chief: 6 medical calls, 2 fire calls
1:00:37 Library: Lots of upcoming activities. The library is switching from monthly spices to monthly historical games.
1:04:21 Police Chief (and Harold Langowski): Snow removal on Chapman, Central and Sheridan Streets (MN DOT) for next 3 days if possible, as more snow is coming Thurs. When you remove snow from your yard, don’t dump it in neighbor’s yard without their permission or just dump it across the street. There are several City snow dump sites for contractors and homeowners. These are not posted on the City website. FM note: Listen carefully to some mentioned tonight. Contact the City at 218-365-3224 for details. If you want snow dump sites posted on City website, let the City know.
1:08:00 City Attorney: Cannabis ordinances
1:21:03 New Business “D. Advertise for Open Committee Seats that the term limits will be expiring or coming due in January 31, 2025.” No names, no committees, no details. Absolutely nothing provided to Council or public tonight. No discussion. Why didn’t someone ask for more info? Last year there was a list. Open seats for (re)appointment happen every year. How can people encourage others or even themselves to apply when there is no info?
1:24:48 Open Forum: Richard Stuart will be actively working on providing educational materials, listening sessions with community, and workshops. He did not provide the name of his cannabis business/affiliation.
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