The Ely MN City Council August 20th meeting didn’t have a quorum and reconvened tonight on Aug 27, 2024. Council packets for both meetings with changes & additions are available at https://www.ely.mn.us/2024-meetings Scoll to bottom to watch YouTube recording.
The 4:30 pm meeting went quickly tonight, because a special study session had already been scheduled to start at 5:30 pm. The Ely Bloomenson Community Hospital (EBCH) was to present SafeTech Solutions study on EMS for area. Ambulance Joint Powers Members and EMS involved were invited. To see recording, go to https://elyminnesota.com/blog/ems-study-session-city-council-aug-27-2024/

Due to quickened pace, there was not too much discussion tonight. Most importantly, Council did not discuss policies and procedures for applications and appointments to commissions. For details, see the posting and recording of the August 19th Park & Recreation Board meeting at https://elyminnesota.com/blog/park-rec-aug-19-2024-mtg-2/ Who should interview applicants? Interview in private or public? Recommend appointment without first seeing any information? Is this the new normal?
Council approved posting the new Tree Board and Park & Rec openings. There was no discussion about how long openings should be posted before applications are closed off. Page 8 in the Council packet says the City will post until 4:30 pm on Aug 29th. Tonight is Aug 27th. The official City newspaper is the Ely Echo. The earliest newspaper posting of open seats would be Sat., Aug. 31st, the day after applications are closed. Who cares about protocol?
As previously mentioned, minutes from Commission meetings are constantly posted in Council packets before the minutes are reviewed and approved by the commissioners. The minutes are rarely marked as drafts. If the minutes are subsequently revised (nobody wants to point mistakes), how and when are revised minutes announced to Council AND to the public? Staff and Commissioners should NOT be rushed to submit minutes to Council. Why the pressure?
Park & Rec had a quorum for only half of its meeting on August 19th. One Board Member had to leave early. There was no note taking after that time? Council will never learn what was discussed by the remaining Board Members, including comments directed to Council? As usual, great comments, questions and concerns about dog park vs. dog-friendly park; WHY they want to meet with Planning & Zoning; what they remember from Bill Tefft’s presentations; comments about the Comp Plan; possibilities for public school and VCCstudents . . . all that talk and time was off the record? What does Robert’s Rules of Order say about note taking and minutes when there’s no quorum? You cannot take actions if there’s no quorum. Talk matters?
Compare the August 19th Park & Rec minutes submitted tonight (Pages 5 & 6 in the Council packet) with the actual recording of the minutes https://elyminnesota.com/blog/park-rec-aug-19-2024-mtg-2/
Watch the City Council meeting. It’s less than 29 minutes long.
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