Regulators need to protect our valuable water.
The Cracks in the Copper mining Sales Pitch…becoming clearer.
Watch the VIDEO Then comment on what CRACKS you see in the Copper Mining Sales pitch. I have a feeling we’ve just barely scratched the surface here.
The slides that Paul Danicic presented during his presentation to the Ely Tuesday Group showed only a few but some of the major faults in the Copper Mining sales pitch we have been hearing for the last few years. And the hiring of Tony Hayward by the industry further bolsters the belief that the mining industry just isn’t serious about “Doing it Right” regardless of how many times they repeat the phrase. But, as we all have learned, via Rupert Murdock and his minions, repeating a phrase often enough and long enough will convince many people of the truth of a blatant falsehood.
What other Cracks in the foundation have you found. Please share with us what you know. If we are to protect the air and water of this region, the BWCA, Lake Superior, and all points in between, we must deal in facts and not Sales pitches. There are a lot of ways to create jobs, but only one way to protect air and water. JUST DON”T POLLUTE them in the first place.
Thanks to the Tuesday Group for these opportunities to learn and discuss vital issues for our community. And thanks to The Friends of the Boundary Waters and to Paul Danicic and Ian Kimmer for their presentation.
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