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Minnesota and mining: Our children, our waters and wild rice are political pawns

CC/Flickr/Brett Whaley

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) announcement came just two weeks before public comments were due for PolyMet’s Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement. PolyMet’s proposed NorthMet Mine is the first in a long line of sulfide mining projects aimed at turning Minnesota’s Superior National Forest, the lake country of the Arrowhead, […]

Mike Clark, Greater Yellowstone Coalition, speaking at Sigurd Olson Lecture Series

The 2014 Sigurd Olson Lecture Series is the 15th year these lectures have been given. This year Mike Clark of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition stated that he is unaware of anyplace where sulfide mining has occurred that there was not significant pollution as a result. He described how his coalition stopped mining in Yellowstone National […]

“Fool Me Twice” author Shawn Otto explains importance of science

Shawn Otto, speaking to Ely Tuesday Group on April 8, 2014, explained the importance of science in our lives and the political decision-making process. As he wrote in his book “Fool Me Twice,” Mr. Otto suggests our politicians debate important issues facing us and all of mankind, including energy, education, water, the environment, health, climate […]