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Rebecca Otto puts Minnesota Tax Payers first and outrages the mining-at-any-cost legions

Maybe Babbitt’s Welcome Sign should read as above.

This picture of the Babbitt Welcome sign area epitomizes the incorrigible nature of the “Mine, Log, and Lease the Hell Out of These Lands” crowd. They can not tolerate one dissenting vote without shouting “Dump Otto” from all the bully pulpits of Northeastern Minnesota. The […]

“Boom, Bust, Boom” author: Copper mining should not be done in certain places!

View Presentation by Bill Carter author of “Boom, Bust, Boom”

In a speech to an overflowing crowd at Vermilion Community College in Ely, Minn., author and filmmaker Bill Carter talked about copper mining and the copper industry around the world. He talked about what he learned in doing research for his book “Boom, Bust, […]

The Tragic Circle!

In Ely there is a schism,

caused by filiopietism *,

but Elyites tell mining jobs are the sell

and NO to clean water environmentalism!

* “the tragic circle”

The Lesson of the Monkeys-The Tragic Circle
