Time marker 30:35 – 49:00: Discussion on P1, P2 and O Zones. P1 and P2 = public uses (plural).
O = open, no designation, nobody managing, can be re-zoned, not protected as natural area.
31:00+ mins and again 36:50+ mins Bill Teft speaks about zoning. He will come back with more specific research.
49:00-51:00 mins Tabled discussion on Park & Rec FT position.
What a joy to see Ely’s leadership in action! Watch YouTube: https://youtu.be/n7Vm-IYJdVs
Video time marker 1:50 – 30:13 minutes: Ozzie Reif with Steve Piragis updated Park & Rec on North County National Scenic Trail. Ely’s main street Sheridan to be part of Trail, so hikers will be downtown and have access to businesses. Many, many other benefits and promotions for Ely area. Ozzie+ will work on writing Memorandum of Understanding.

Time marker 51:00-1:07:00 : Julie Hignell updates on Loaner Boats at Semers. They submitted No Child Left Inside grant proposal. Will know in March if $$ granted. She talked about things they will do whether grant received or not. Lots of exciting plans for service projects, classes, bike repair space and other kid/adult/family outdoor activities.

Not on agenda but “urgent.” New responsibility for Park & Rec to get public feedback on projects?
Time marker 1:07:00 -1:40:25: Adam Bisbee, Council Rep on Park & Rec, says he received email from City re feedback from Miners Lake residents re cutting down of trees, etc. A copy of City email sent about a week ago was not in tonight’s packet (not everyone received?). Not all Commissioners have the same understanding as to what they were to decide tonight. Park & Rec Commission was responsible for obtaining feedback?
Watch dynamic discussion: who is concerned about notification to citizens, who wants the City to just go ahead now, and who struggles with trying to best serve both interests of City and citizens. There is apparently no City policy or procedure in place as to how Park & Rec Commission should notify or give appropriate turnaround time for citizen input. (Is it really okay for notice to be posted during Christmas + New Years school break and response due before break is over?). There was no advance notice or explanation that Park & Rec Commission is suddenly now responsible for determining public has been given adequate notice? Plans for construction were formulated this last summer (and approved by Council on ??). There’s apparently no variance, no CUP needed. Some things are safety related. Miners Lake residents and Ely citizens were not respected when Planning & Zoning tried to put a huge RV campground in residential area this fall.
Watch how these Commissioners sincerely struggle tonight and what they decide to do. Confusion until end (adjournment 1:40:25): “Let the feedback decide.”
Note: Huge TV screen on back wall of Council Chambers has been playing Local Access Programming all night. 1:35:14 = Covid safety tips and later 1:40:25+ more public safety ads. Who is watching screen during meeting? Why is TV on? Save money: turn off.
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