Scroll down for info about other cities and townships near Ely, MN
Who’s running? Who filed for open seats? Check MN Sec of State hard-to-find website for latest filings: Scroll down to Search by Office box.

MN Election/Voting Dates
Primary Election – Tuesday, August 13, 2024 General Election – Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Ely filing period starts this May 2024
The filing period for Mayor (a 2 year term) and City Council (3 each with 4 year terms) begins at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 21, 2024, and ends at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 4, 2024.
The online Calendar for the City of Ely also shows a withdrawal of candidacy period June 5-6 for those who change their minds. More detailed filing info –> Ely City Election Filing Info
If three (3) or more candidates file for the Mayor’s term and/or six (6) or more candidates file for a City Council term, the City will hold a Primary Election on August 13, 2024 to determine the candidates that will be on the General Election ballot for Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Note: Ely website does NOT provide direct link to list of candidates who filed on MN SOS site.
Ely Mayor & 3 Council seats up for (re)election
According to the City of Ely Mayor & Council webpage:
Mayor Heidi Omerza’s term expires 12/31/2024.
These Council Members’ terms expire 12/31/2024: Jerome Debeltz, Paul Kess, Ryan Callen
These Council Members’ terms expire 12/31/2026, meaning not up for (re)election this year: Al Forsman, Angela Campbell, Adam Bisbee
3 Ely School Board seats are up for (re)election
These Board members’ terms expire 12/31/2024: Ray Marsnik, Tom Omerza, Hollee Coombe
These Board members’ terms expire 12/31/2026 = not up for (re)election this year: Rochelle Sjorberg, Tony Colarich, Jennifer Westlund
To get more detailed information about filing dates, documents, and whether there will be a primary for school board, check Note: As of May 1, updated 2024 school board election information was not yet posted. However, the Superintendent’s Office just emailed that they are currently updating their website and their “filing period runs from July 30 to August 13. The last day for us [District #696] to publish the Notice of Filing is July 16.”
Guidance picking the best school board candidates
Log on to the Ely School Board webpage to read these documents:

At past AAUW/Rotary school board candidate forum(s), you could listen to the speeches, questions and responses to figure out who (doesn’t) understand the role of school board members; who trusts the expertise of licensed teachers and superintendent; who is pushing personal and/or political agendas. Contact the candidates directly once they declare.
Filing dates for County, State and Federal offices

Check back for more info later about ballots, etc. for St. Louis County
Check back for more info later from the Minnesota Secretary of State, What’s on My Ballot webpage
Local gov election info, open seats, terms, and filing periods are not always easy to find
Town of Morse On the tab “Government,” there is a section entitled “Elections FAQs” which is outdated as of May 1st. For more info, folks are directed to the MN Sec of State website “Register to Vote.” There appears to be no specific details about upcoming open seats, terms, or filing periods. The website also does not appear to offer a direct link to their school district nor school board elections.

Tower On the tab “Government” on the menu bar, there is a link to “Elections” which only gives info for March 5th and November 5th. For more info, folks are directed to the MN Sec of State website. As of May 1st, there appears to be no specific details about upcoming open seats, terms, or filing periods. The website also does not appear to offer a direct link to their school district nor school board elections.

Winton As of May 1st, there appears to be no posted information about voting or elections. Specific details about upcoming open seats, terms, and filing periods are missing. The website also does not appear to offer a direct link to their school district nor school board elections. On the menu bar, the tab “More,” links to another tab “Events.” No upcoming events are planned?

Babbitt As of May 1st, there appears to be no posted information about voting or elections. Specific details about upcoming open seats, terms, and filing periods are missing. The website does not appear to offer a direct link to their school district nor school board elections.
Side note: Babbitt says it is “Progressive in Thinking.” Babbitt live streams its meetings AND makes them available 24/7 on YouTube. Why can’t Ely do that? Or other cities and townships?

Eagles Nest Township As of May 1st, under the menu bar, there is a tab “Announcements.” The information is about voting only. Specific details about upcoming open seats, terms, and filing periods are missing. The website does not appear to offer a direct link to their school district nor school board elections.

Fall Lake Township As of May 1st, on the menu bar, there is a tab “Elections.” Specific details about upcoming open seats, terms, and filing periods are missing. The posting is for March 2024. The website does not appear to offer a direct link to their school district nor school board elections.

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