Hi Folks,
The next meeting of the Ely Climate Group will be on Tuesday January 14th at 4pm at the Ely Field Naturalists Resource Center above the NAPA store. As usual this meeting will be in person and by zoom.
Watch this meeting at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJGgaehfohU&t=1059s or search for “Ely Climate Group” on youtube.
This is the second of two meetings on solar energy. Last month we listened to Rickey Sipila who runs “Sisu Solar” a local solar energy installer. This month we will have a discussion led by Hudson Kingston who has had solar on his home for some years and has recently installed more panels. The second installment of this series will cover costs and savings, timescales, estimates, batteries or grid connected, how the grid functions with increasing solar installations, and much more! Here is the January zoom link:
Topic: Ely Climate Group
Time: Jan 14, 2025 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 835 5080 6089
Passcode: 592727
If you missed the December meeting all is not lost. It is full of useful info and stories of many different installations. You can find it here (youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNbtCvgHoC8&t=961s or search Youtube for “Ely Climate Group” for many of our recent meetings.
Here are some useful resources from the CERTs (Clean Energy Resource Teams) website: https://www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org/simple-steps-solar . You can find another comprehensive CERTs video “How to Speak Solar” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Llw_SyCti9A&t=827s
On another topic, we are pleased to say that the City of Ely has decided to form a “Green Team” to assist in their work to reach level 3 (and above) in Minnesota’s GreenStep program. The City is asking for applications for 4 open positions from interested individuals. The due date is January 14th – DO IT NOW! There is more information about the GreenStep program and the Green Team on the Ely City website here: https://www.ely.mn.us/index.asp?SEC=BFE5D7DC-D1C3-4FCD-A6F6-2F14CB07003B&DE=B49F564C-8DD7-4366-A7AE-4270DD20F4BE The application form and procedure is at the bottom left of this page: https://www.ely.mn.us/boards You can email the application to the Deputy Clerk.
Finally, those of us who have been part of this group for a long time will remember our founder, Ted Spalding. I’m sad to report that Ted died on December 24th of pneumonia. Ted started the group with a signup sheet at one of the early Tuesday Group meetings. He pushed the discussion towards social and economic issues and frequently held our attention with excerpts from the environmental literature. Many of us benefitted from that background. He continued to follow the group’s meetings after moving from Ely. Thank you for getting the group organized Ted, we will miss you. Best wishes to Barb and family.
Hoping to see you all on Tuesday January 14th
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