July 26th 2022
Hi Folks,
Our next climate change meeting will be August 2nd at 10am at the Ely Senior Center. We will be able to talk with two Ely residents who work on environmental and climate issues – Maggie Schuppert and Hudson Kingston, local Ely residents, will be coming. FYI the TG presentation that day will be given by John Shepard “Northern Nights, Starry Skies: Preview of a PBS Documentary”.
Maggie is CURE’s Campaigns Director. Clean Up the River Environment (CURE) is a rural, nonprofit organization made up of people who care about the well-being of their neighbors, the health of the land and water, and the legacy we leave for future generations. She is helping to build CURE’s capacity for strategic communications, campaigns, and advocacy. Maggie is a Minnesota transplant from the East Coast. Before moving here in 2015, she worked around the world with communities that have been adversely impacted by large-scale energy and development infrastructure projects, helping them fight for their rights. She has brought this commitment to environmental rights, justice, and accountability to her environmental organizing work in Minnesota. Two of CURE’s keystone campaigns include Rural Electric Co-op reform and carbon pipelines. You can find more info about CURE and Maggie here: CURE, Maggie Schuppert
Hudson Kingston (Sarah’s son) is an attorney who works for Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) an organization that works with current and former public employees to protect the environment. He has experience with public health, consumer protection, and environmental organizations in both Washington DC and the Midwest. Over the course of his career he has worked on litigation and policy related to climate change, addressing the water pollution impacts of mining, pesticide regulation, the environmental and health impacts of e-cigarettes, and environmental injustices perpetuated by the administrative state, partnering with tribes, local nonprofits, low-income advocates, coalitions of environmental and social justice groups, and local, state, territorial, and federal public employees. And he has won a marathon. You can find more about PEER and Hudson here: PEER, Hudson Kingston
Both Maggie and Hudson are quoted in this MPR story about CO2 pipelines: MPR on CO2 pipelines
In the course of a month there are many interesting new articles related to climate. If it is too hot or too wet to enjoy the outdoors try reading! I will share three thought provoking or just plain shocking articles today. Two come from the NY Times. I will share the NY Times text if you have paywall problems, let me know. The last is from the Guardian which is always accessible.
The first comes from the NY Times and was passed along by Frederica. This is quite a long read about the many efforts to plant trees to try to draw down CO2. Many of these are close to scams although the basic idea is attractive. This is a long and comprehensive article. NY Times – a trillion trees
The second is a shorter piece about the peatlands and rainforests in the Congo basin which are to be auctioned off for oil and gas drilling. This is also protected gorilla habitat. Congo is desperately poor and needs the income. NY Times Congo Basin
Finally, the oil sector has yielded profits of $3 trillion per day for the last 50 years. This article is short and to the point. Guardian: Staggering oil profits
Hope to see you August 2nd
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