Hi folks
Our next Climate Change meeting will be March 3rd at 10am at the Fireside Room at VCC. To find the Fireside Room, go to the cafeteria and walk through the back of the cafeteria to the stairs or elevator. Walk or ride to the top which is the 3rd floor. The Fireside Room is along the corridor. It has spectacular views, a fireplace, AV setups, tables we can arrange, all the amenities. We are inviting VCC students to join us. There will be some of the best cookies you have ever tasted! FYI Tuesday Group that day will be Kris Hallberg “The Economic Impact of Twin Metals: The Harvard Study”.
We are meeting at VCC because March 3rd is voting day “Super Tuesday” It is Minnesota’s first presidential primary. The Senior Center will be busy as it is a polling place. Meg Heiman and Bill Tefft are our hosts, thank you. Meg is teaching Comp 2, her students have chosen Climate Change as the topic for their writing this semester. We will resume our regular climate meetings at the Senior Center in April.
At this meeting we plan a general discussion of climate change. Bring your questions and ideas. What aspect of the problem worries you? We can include the big topics like energy, food, population, immigration, and climate justice issues. If the “Green New Deal” gets passed will it solve our problems?
We can also try to cover some local affects like changes in species of trees, animals and bugs. We may also be facing droughts, floods and wildfires. There will be public health impacts too. Should we try to mitigate, adapt, or both? What actions can we take either personally or as a community?
Come and meet some VCC students. Share your hopes and concerns. Eat some cookies.
There is one piece of sad news, our friend Helmut Buettner died earlier this month. We will miss his wit and wisdom. You can read an obituary here: https://www.ranfranzandvinefh.com/obituary/353822/Helmut-Buettner/
Next month (April 7th) our climate change program and that day’s Tuesday Group will be on issues around climate and health. Brenna Doheny will represent the network “Healthcare Professionals for a Healthy Climate”. Let your neighbors know.
Our flyer for the March 3rd VCC meeting is below.
Hope to see you on Tuesday March 3rd, 10am VCC Fireside Room
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