Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, First Issue, 1940

3 min read

Then:                         Now:
The Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, one of our favorite Nature publications is available for purchase with a small donation to this DNR group. They are completely self-sufficient funded only by contributions. It makes a wonderful gift for that person in your life interested in Nature.

They have recently added a new section that may be of interest to you. http://webapps8.dnr.state.mn.us/volunteer_index
The very first issue of the Minnesota Conservation Volunteer was October 1940 and is available for viewing on that site. It was 76 pages long, black and white, and clearly shows the efforts of the early DNR to preserve the health and vitality of Minnesota’s natural heritage. There are still many very good people within the DNR that either hold to these views or attempt to. However, for the last few decades many of the DNR departments have only been interested in monetizing the resources of Minnesota. To do so means to compromise the values stated in the early years of the Minnesota Conservation Volunteer. In our opinion this dichotomy in the DNR is a significant conflict of interest and sacrifice of the health and well-being of Minnesota.

Take a look at that first issue and learn of the passion and the virtue behind those early Conservationist, it is inspiring.
This new online index offers access to every issue of Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, published since 1940. Each issue and article is searchable and available for download as a PDF. Creation of the index was made possible by a grant from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund administered by the Minnesota Historical Society through the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment.

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