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The Ely Theater

The Ely Theater

The newly remodeled Ely State Theater on East Sheridan Street in Ely Minnesota.

Sheridan Street


This cam is looking up Sheridan Street in downtown Ely. It is on the Basket Tree, a new bakery, coffee shop and gift shop on West Sheridan Street. Looking up Sheridan in the winter is much different than in the summer. Watch the hustle and bustle of Ely’s main street, and watch it change through the seasons. Check back often since you will be able to see what the weather is like up here in the Northwoods.

Shagawa Lake Float Planes

Shagawa Lake, Ely

Whiteside Park Festival Cam

Whiteside Park, Ely

North American Bear Center

North American Bear Center

Farm Lake


Enjoy another and the newest elymn.us webcam located on Farm Lake across from one of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness entrances by canoe.

Sulfide Rock Cam

Shagawa Lake, Ely

This cam shows the effect of sulfide mining drainage on our water.