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BWCAW Ecosystem Changes by Lee Frehlich, University of Minnesota

Polar Amplification is one climate element changing Minnesota

Significant changes in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Ecosystem are underway do to climate change and invasive species. Lee Frehlich is the Director of the U of M, Center for Hardwood Ecology. He teaches courses in Forest Fire Ecology and Landscape Ecology […]

Potential risk of sulfide mining too great for local environment-100% guarantee from mining track record.

In response: Potential risk of sulfide mining too great for local environment. The writers of the Feb. 26 Local View column, “Mining prospects spread optimism in the Northland,” wrote enthusiastically about the potential economic wealth associated with making use of the copper, nickel and other metals that are plentiful in our region. By: Susan Nordin, […]

Latest Labovitz Report-He who pays for the report pays for the results-don’t expect “fair and balanced.”

Benefits ONLY! We forgot Costs.

The latest report from the UMD Labovitz School of Business and Economics (as reported on by the News Tribune in the Feb. 7 story, “UMD report underscores value of iron ore mining, potential for copper”), is business as usual in the world of mining in Minnesota.

Once again […]