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The Battle of Blair Mountain Video and Don Shelby talks about Copper Mining in Our Area

Coal Sludge Pit

This CNN video shows the battle for human health and dignity vs corporate greed. Similarly, it is easy to see the same corporate nature operational in efforts to mine Northeastern Minnesota.

Also, Listen to Don Shelby on WTIP Community Radio Aug. 12, 2011 Don presents a great summary of […]

ALERT!!! Tell the MPCA Today!

Tell the MPCA, the agency charged with regulating mining pollution to do its job and require mining companies to obey pollution laws.

Deadline for responding: Please take a few minutes to comment on the Keetac water-quality permits by August 19, 2011.


Tell MPCA Commissioner Aasen and Governor Dayton to Enforce our Clean […]

Environmental-Environmental-Environmental, say it! I know you can.

Video The one word not in Chip Cravaack’s vocabulary. “ENVIRONMENTAL”