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Polymet 101 or The essentials of Copper Sulfide Mining Revisited-A Summary Todate

Published in the Zenith City Weekly, Vol. 8 Issue 114 on Feb. 11, 2014 by Anne Stewart

Compare the Polymet 101 Summary with what we knew in 2008 VCC Panel Discusion

Anne Stewart Zenith City Weekly

After PolyMet released its latest plans on December 6, an estimated 3,650 people attended public hearings in Duluth, […]

Glencore the Beast – You should know about Glencore!

Glencore, a Swiss commodities company with a controlling stock interest in PolyMet, is the major financier of the mining company, which has no current income. Some say that it’s unclear whether Glencore would have any legal responsibility for long–term pollution control costs. However, it is quite clear that Glencore would not under any circumstances accept […]

Go Polymet! Puff Piece Idealizing Sulfide Mining

It’s the Laptop!

View Video Here: Go Polymet Go! “Polymet says yes to some of life’s biggest questions.” (add your big questions you’d like Polymet to answer.) This Polymet/Glencore (Click here to see what Glencore is all about.) puff piece starts with an attractive surprised young blond looking down at a diamond ring. […]