The greatest freshwater eco-system in the U.S. is STILL threatened by state policy and mining greed. Heart Warrior was sounding the alarm in 1990.
The greatest freshwater eco-system in the U.S. is STILL threatened by state policy and mining greed. Heart Warrior was sounding the alarm in 1990.
Carla Arneson wrote the following article after visiting the site pictured at the left with a few other concerned and outraged (this is for Gov. Dayton and his group who ask “where is the outrage?,” they don’t seem to be able to act on the facts) citizens. Here is a link to the video made […] Human Nature is that component that creates mining with severe environmental loses or allows highly dysfunctional individuals to run amok until they cause severe human losses including death, eg. Bernie Madoff or Chralie Sheen, or the young man who shot Senator Gifford. Corporate Nature is that component that insists upon profits as the only motive […] During the last local election, the candidates running for a seat on the town council were asked the question about where they stood on the issue of sulfide mining in Northeastern Minnesota. I listened as the other candidates conducted to what amounted to a mini debate with themselves that placed each firmly, and safely, on […] The mail below is interesting. I looked up the website and it has a unique message–giving the environment rights. It’s just that we would need some kind of a group to make this work. Issues raised by Native Americans in their “POLYMET DEIS –Tribal Cooperating Agencies Alternative Findings and Perspectives” should be seioursly heeded by the DNR and regulatory agencies. This is a through analysis of the DEIS and will be ignored or maginalized by “the powers that be” at the peril of all peoples of Minnesota. We are […] |
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