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Notices Lost in Translation?

Public Notices as of 5:15 pm Dec 8th on City webpage.

New Commission list from City webpage, 5:15 pm, Dec. 8th. No openings listed.

Public announcement postings delayed

Two timely public notices were in this week’s Ely Echo, the official newspaper for Ely. The printed edition is usually delivered by Sat., usually available Fri. on some store racks, and posted online by Fri. In this case, 2 notices were posted on page 4, Section 2, next to official Nov. 21st City Council minutes. Tom Coombe wrote an article about short-term rentals on page 7, Section 1.

Catie Clark wrote about short term rentals on page 9 in Friday’s The Timberjay. TJ printed edition is delivered Fridays and usually posted online by Thurs.

When is the great reveal? How many seats will be open?

Look at our page Elections Now in Dec 2023? Will approximately 33 positions will be open after 1/31/2024 ?? Note: Not all these openings are filled via Council appointment. “Now” and “Dec 2023” were intentionally used, because there has been movement behind the scenes to find replacement(s) since November 2023. Scroll to bottom for update on Dec 19th.

Are those Commissioners who were appointed to serve 3 years (or less if they are replacing someone who left before their term expired) automatically “reappointed” to serve up to 9 years?

Refer to the newn(?) Public Notices webpage for the City of Ely or look at image above for posting as of Dec. 8th. The public notices page has a link to new (?) list of committees with regularly scheduled meeting times. There is no link to details about each committee, board or commission. There is no information about the number of openings (or appointments) by 1/31/2024. There is no link to an application on the new webpage. To find this new list on the website. Select “our City.” Then select “Public Notices.” Then select “Boards, Commissions & Committees Meeting Schedules.” Note: The Charter Commission was removed from the new listing but still on the old one.

The previous list of commission/boards/committees webpage had a list with more details but couldn’t be printed out on 1 page. In that sense, the new list is an improvement. However, the previous list gave the public the ability to click to see more details, such as who is on the each committee, their term, and maybe a brief description the group’s purpose. To get to this “old” list, go to and select Government. Then select Commissions, Committees, Boards. At the top, you can download or fill in an application. The space for Qualifications (often subjective) is still considerably longer than the space given for reasons YOU want to serve. You can type more reasons, but the gatekeeping message is clear. Also, it looks like City Hall inserted missing info since the posting of our page Elections Now in Dec 2023? this week. Thanks, progress!

3 or 33 Seats to be filled? Automatic 9 year terms? Process?

So many unanswered questions. Perhaps that’s why there is no public notice in The Ely Echo?

One can debate term limits, automatic re-appointments, etc. Yes, having good-quality active appointees is the most important, meaning appointees who represent the citizens of Ely, the citizens’ interests, needs, and wholistic vision of this precious natural area. Some should definitely stay. However, some citizens interested in serving should not have to wait 6+ years to be on a Commission. Especially since some (non)residents or some seasonal residents might be are occupying seats on more than one commission for up to 9 years (?)

We don’t need “experts” for many of these Commissioner positions. We don’t need or want Council to appoint lobbyists on our Ely Commissions to speak for us. You can invite a variety of recognized experts to speak. You can research online, check what other cities, counties, etc. have done. There are charts, documents, maps, and ordinances out there. You don’t have to pack the packets with thousands of pages. Citizens and citizen groups want(ed) to work with the Commissioners and City Hall. Be more welcoming! Allow them to serve on commissions, including the powerful commissions that the lobbyists want to be on.

We need appointees who ask good questions (and are encouraged to ask good questions in a non-paternalistic fashion .) Appointees need to understand the difference between short-term and long-term cause & effect.

What’s the best strategy to solve problems? Shuffle the same papers and say the same things for months on end? “It takes a long time.” Yes, but think smart; don’t keep re-inventing the wheel. Lots of talking and self-promotion is like cheap perfume. Splashing more on doesn’t mean it becomes quality perfume. Even too much quality perfume stinks! Trust your nose AND watch the recordings posted on

Ethics, codes of conduct, conflicts of interest – procedures

Council already heard testimony about what happens on powerful Commissions where individuals, businesses and even Council Members are verbally disparaged. No City person, no Chairs and no Commissioner should disparage or identify anyone during official City meetings as being pro-choice/anti-abortion or pro-mining/anti-sulfide-ore copper mining. Citizens for transparency are recording as many meetings as possible to stop this disparaging attitude. Those who disparage, why are they still serving? Why should their terms be automatically extended? Some serve on more than one commission. By the way, there are no guidelines for handling for behavior issues. “Just ignore” doesn’t work anymore, especially not when the cameras are running.

Before Council starts (re)appointing folks, they need to figure out what the unwritten policies and guidelines are. Maybe Council needs a closed meeting with the City Attorney and attorney from the League of Minnesota Cities.

And while City Hall and Council are setting up written policies and procedures, they should include serious discussions about ethics, standards of conduct/behavior, conflicts of interest, and open meeting laws. It seems, based on cleansed minutes and after-meeting discussions, the City of Ely wants to focus on open meeting laws.

When you cannot say or record minutes with the words ethics, standards of conduct/behavior, or conflicts of interest, there is indeed a serious problem.

Dec. 19th – Update on public notices

2 Public notices in Ely Echo, Saturday, Dec 16th:

Section 2, Page 3, for HRA – Applications are due Wed., Dec. 27th, 4:30 p.m. – during school break and holiday vacations/celebrations

Section 2, Page 2 (multiple) – Applications are due Fri., January 5th, 4:30 p.m.

Recording City Council Dec 5 2023

The meeting was split into 2 parts, because they recessed for Truth in Taxation Open Hearing.

Part A Highlights 

1:00-14:30 Well Being Development power point on Community Based Recovery Program.

14:30+. P&Z motion for P&Z to receive education from City Atty. Compare evolution of motion on Nov 15th (P&Z minutes, pp 16-19 in Council packet). 15:30+ P&Z motion for Council to tell them to work on land use comprehensive plan.

16:40 TAB. 19:20 Tree Board – 2024 = Ely’s 10 year celebration being Tree City USA.

20:00 Gardner Trust. 20:40 EUC 24:40 Explanation re nuisance beaver control.

26:10 RAMS packet distributed to Council. Range Association of Municipalities & Schools is meeting next week. Money from taconite taxes used for projects. 29:30 recess 

Part B Highlights

1:00+ Dept reports (1) Fire Chief- marked increase in calls for mental heath 1:30 Library.

3:30-21:50 Police Chief Houde’s impressive power point on police recruitment with (unexpected surprise?) appeal for $30,000 from 2023 legislative Public Safety Aid package. 9:05 Funding details $140,427 to Ely. Winton got $7,308 Tower $18,642 Babbitt $60,564 Virginia $364,567 Lake County $268,539 SLC $3,423,415. 12:50 Offering canoes to FT police staff as incentive.14:55 Canoe on Ely Police vehicle “We’re Hiring.” 15:05 new patch. Council approves $30,000 for canoes and other recruitment/retention efforts.

21:50-27:25 Swearing in ceremony for new Police Officer Courtney Olson.

27:25 City Atty. Closed mtg to be held after Open Forum. 28:20 Communications

28:40 MN Dept of Health “We’re in the clear”for lead/copper. 28:50 Payments 29:00 New Business

30:00 Polling Precinct for 2024 = Ely Senior (Community) Center. Harold says no City elections in March, but there will be a Presidential Primary in March.

32:00-32:58 (2 minutes) Mayor says, “Really quickly, Harold.” Council approves posting for open Commission seats (but not in The Timberjay). Harold says appointment procedures are in City Code and City Charter. If anyone’s interested, City can send them a copy. No details given as to how many openings nor which commissions have open seats. Why the secrecy?? Note: The 3 pages Harold provided after meeting did not really describe duties of each commission nor qualifications. It is not clear if once appointed, all Commissioners just simply serve for 3 x 3 terms (3 years) = 9 years. Appointments are made by Council at their first meeting in January 2024.

34:00-45:16 Discussion on short term rental licensing limits. Added to agenda today. Resolution will be drafted by City Atty for Council meeting in January. Public notification will be published. Note: See pages 18-25 in Tuesday’s posted additions to Council packet.

Council packet = 

Tuesday additions to Council packet: 

Recording Truth in Taxation Public Hearing Dec 5 2023 The camera was mostly pointed at the overhead front screen. The power point was narrated by Harold Langoiwski, Ely City Clerk/Treasurer. The Truth in Taxation packet was posted on the City website. Get the packet. Note: This short Public Hearing was held approximately 30 minutes after the regularly scheduled Council meeting started. The Council meeting was recessed for the hearing and then continued after the Hearing ended.


Part A of Dec 5 Ely City Council meeting

Part B of Dec 5 Ely City Council meeting

Dec 12 Open Conversations Public Forum

Recording Joint Study Session Nov 28 2023 Council with P&Z This video is a benchmark educational tool for the Study Session’s participants: Ely City Council, the Planning & Zoning Commissioners, and City Hall…as well as the residents of Ely, MN. Listen to great questions and comments. I was personally impressed with the candor. Candor lets us truthfully identify problems and then agree on the best strategies to resolve issues.

These casual Study Sessions are a unique opportunity for us to observe elected officials, appointees and City Hall voicing residents’ and local business’ needs and concerns. Spoiler alert: the Chair of P&Z is not a resident of Ely.

Tonight’s Study Session is an informal discussion about current and future zoning, coding, permissible and CPUs (conditional use permits) which will lead to ordinance changes. The current list (those HUGE pages you see the Mayor holding) can be found in Sec. 11.40 of Ely’s City Code Our list is not completely accurate — listen to conversations. The City knows properties are not zoned/coded correctly. Tonight’s meeting was not for Council to make motions or vote. Candor was expected in their back-and-forth sharing.

This is a benchmark video, so you are not aware of individuals from Ely’s Open Communications group attempting to work and meet with P&Z and the City on housing issues (housing options, reasonable costs, locations, zoning, and research findings including but not limited to The Amenity Trap, a report published by Headwaters Economics ). Red lights are not green lights.

This is a benchmark video, so think about how the P&Z, the City, and Council Members deal with complicated issues. What are the strategies of the past, present and, more importantly, the future? Is the spinning-wheels (AKA shuffling-papers) pattern working? With limited staff, why are we constantly reinventing the wheel? Will big decisions and smaller ones be based on short-term or long-term effects? Little picture vs. big picture vision? At other City meetings, residents have shared examples of coding/zoning info and maps from other cities – are they discussed tonight? Example: Other cities’ choice of colors for zoning maps.

This is a benchmark video, so observe how citizens in attendance are or might be more fully engaged, meaning better comprehend what’s being discussed. The Study Session tonight is intended for open casual discussions among P&Z, Council Members and City Hall. The public may observe. No problem. However, without wasting trees, which and what appropriate materials (could be) provided and/or projected on screens – or in hallway – so all (including citizens in attendance) can visualize concepts, etc.? Yes, we don’t need to waste paper. Only 2 items were projected on the overhead screen for the audience in attendance and at home: the agenda and a section of the permissible and CPU list. The one huge map seen in the front corner was behind Ely’s Planning Administrator.

Citizens wanting a more transparent and accountable representative government are now recording Ely’s public meetings. There will be benchmarks as study guides. There will be follow-up videos marking progress. We are also setting up an accessible website for the public where we will discuss Ely Politics. The goal is to migrate forward together. Don’t kill the messengers or fight the messages. Humans are not perfect. Our governments are not perfect. Re(read) the messages, focus on We The People, think smart, fix the problems, and stay transparent. Our Preamble : “We the People…, in Order to form a more perfect Union…”

Recording City Council Nov 21 2023 This is a benchmark recording by citizen volunteers who are seeking a more transparent, accountable, and accessible city government in Ely, MN. This meeting on November 21, 2023 is multi-purpose educational tool for residents to observe City Council in action. It’s also intended to be used as a mirror for City Hall, City Council Members, and appointed Commissioners to objectively observe and reflect on their own behaviors and beliefs. Are they really for, by and of The People? What does that look like? What could it look like?

We have been recording other City and Commission meetings with the same goal. We start with a benchmark and follow up with more recordings. We started documenting City meetings after there were huge protests against the City and “our” Planning & Zoning pushing development of a huge RV Park Campground in a residential neighborhood on Miners Lake.

At the Council meeting on Nov. 7th, there was a very candid and upsetting disclosure about what occurred at the Oct. 18th P&Z meeting. On Nov. 7th, Council was requested to adopt codes of ethics, standards of conduct, conflict of interest and opening meeting policies. We are developing a new website, Ely Politics ,to educate residents, local businesses and organizations, City Council, Commissioners, and City Hall on important issues and how politics works (the good and the bad). Humans are not perfect. Governments are not perfect. We want to migrate forward and create a more perfect local government that reflects all the people and our environment.

This recording is a benchmark on how City Council operates. What tools in Council Chambers, especially visual ones, are used to help the audience in Council Chambers and at home better follow along and thusly better understand complicated issues throughout the meeting? And also appreciate awesome people, events and businesses here in NE Minnesota. What (non)technical tools are being used — or not — in this benchmark? What is being projected on front and back walls? What is posted inside or outside the Council Chamber, especially maps and charts, for the public to consult (without wastefully printing so many pages)? After watching this recording, maybe Council will re-purpose that huge movable chalkboard that has had the same drawing visible to to the public for months (a year now)?

This recording is also a benchmark to observe how Council and City Hall welcome, encourage and process input from the residents in the Ely area. Does Council then use this input for deep discussion and actions to fix problems? What happened since the last Council and P&Z Commission meetings? Will controversial issues like the need for codes of ethics, standards of conduct, conflict of interest, open meetings laws, etc., be addressed — skipped over or ignored?

Throughout tonight’s meeting and during future Council meetings, listen to questions, comments and motions from Council: Can you tell who they talk to? What new or old issues do they bring up for discussion? When they talk about development in the area, do they start with citizen input (beyond just those appointed people they know), fiscal responsibility, appropriateness of location(s), activities, needs and interests of all citizens? What kind of openness and outreach to citizens does Council make and sincerely want? Talking is not the same as doing. Forward thinking doesn’t just mean having plans for more housing and more tourists. What discussions, steps ordinances, etc. does Council need to consider for “our Posterity,” as mentioned in the Preamble?

Note: Around the 8:15 time marker, Cindy Smyka’s presentation on Ely’s Tourism Bureau was outstanding, informative and full of visuals projected on screen and with printed materials.

Recording Park & Rec Mtg Nov 20 2023

This benchmark recording of Ely’s Park & Recreation Commission meeting on November 20, 2023 is a multi-purpose educational tool. It is an accessible window into Ely’s Park & Rec discussions, work and contributions to our community. Ely is The Gateway into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA).

Is the Commission living up to its full potential? Does the Commission realize it is a powerful voice of the community to maintain, preserve, protect and even expand open natural spaces for Nature and for passive as well as active enjoyment? Do they want to stand up (pass motions) or stand back (letting others represent the citizens and Mother Nature)? Listen to each of the Commissioners speaking tonight.

This recording is also a benchmark for how Park & Rec welcomes input from the residents and volunteers in the Ely area. Is there sincere, respectful and valued dialogue with the presenters tonight? Does the Commission use this input in their subsequent discussions and actions? Hint: yes, yes, yes. Presenters: (1) Bill Teft – identifying natural and open spaces in Ely; comparing Two Harbors zoning maps and coding with Ely’s. (2) Kathryn Farion – giving Garden Club updates.

As with other Ely Commissions, Boards and Committees, … are the attendees (audience in room) able to fully follow along and understand the discussions? What materials were provided? What could be provided or projected on the screens? What maps and documents could be posted inside the City Chambers or in the hallway before/during the meeting, so the attendees could visually see items discussed. Could the agenda and packets be posted online? Where there is a will, there is a way.

Finally, Park & Rec Commission meetings are not recorded by the City. There is nothing to (re)broadcast or stream. This recording is the only real public window brought to you by citizens wanting transparency and accountability in government, where the voices of all citizens are heard and respected. This benchmark video will be followed up with more videos marking progress. We are also setting up a website for the public where we will discuss Ely Politics. The goal is to migrate forward. Don’t kill the messengers or fight the messages. Humans are not perfect. Governments are not perfect. Re(read) the messages, focus on We the People, think smart, fix the problems, and stay transparent. Our Preamble: “We the People…, in Order to form a more perfect Union…”

Recording P&Z Mtg Nov 15 2023

This Planning & Zoning Commission meeting followed the Open Public Hearing that was suddenly cancelled that night. Parts A and B are each about 30 minutes long. Part C is about 8 minutes long. Commission meetings of citizen-appointed meetings are not recorded, (re)broadcast or streamed. The official minutes are not complete. Agendas and packets are not posted. Citizens deeply concerned about transparency and accountability are now filming and sharing unfiltered recordings of many meetings, especially the most powerful one, P&Z.

Part A =    • Ely MN Planning & Zoning Nov 15 2023 …   Includes motions to update Public Hearing procedures and training Commissioners on Robert’s Rules of Order

Part B =    • Ely MN Planning & Zoning Nov15 2023 P…   Includes discussion on new Planning Unit Development (PUD) for next shoreline/campground and other development requests .

Part C =    • Ely MN Planning & Zoning Part C Nov 1…   Includes discussions after P&Z meeting was adjourned. Part C starts up with continued discussion of Ely’s Comprehensive Plan review process (agenda Item 7, Old Business, e) 2:55 minutes Covenant Ordinance, zoning changes, and Ely Marathon (agenda Item 6, New Business, c, then b, then a). 4:07 meeting adjournment The most interesting discussion occurs about 5:40 minutes into this 8 minute clip about a commissioner’s replacement in 2024. The City was actively seeking a replacement.

Recording – Open Hearing Nov 15 2023 Campground on Miners Lake

Chair of Board of Adjustments (BOA), Mike Banovetz, opened and then immediately “deleted” the meeting.

All the BOA Members met later that night for their scheduled Planning & Zoning meeting. Includes citizens comments before and after cancellation

Recordings of City Meetings

The recordings for each Council or Commission are to be used as benchmarks, multi-educational tools for the citizens, elected City Council Members, appointees (Commissioners), government workers, staff, volunteers, department heads and administrators. Are discussions, decisions and actions by, for and of the citizens and residents — using the citizen/resident viewpoints? Are they really actively included, encouraged and valued? Are citizens’ concerns followed up by Commissioners, Council Members or City Hall? Subsequent recordings and review of packets and actions will show progress or not.

Beyond Robert’s Rules of Order . . . Why are citizens demanding transparency? Why are citizens requesting detailed codes of ethics, standards of behavior, conflicts of interest and opening meeting laws?

November 15, 2023 Open Hearing (canceled)

Open Public Hearing (canceled) = Includes citizens comments before and after cancellation

November 15, 2023 Planning & Zoning Commission

The P&Z meeting is posted in 3 parts. A and B are each approx 30 minutes, Part C approx 8 mins. 

Part A = Includes motions to update Public Hearing procedures and training Commissioners on Robert’s Rules of Order 

Part B = Includes discussion on Planning Unit Development (PUD) for next shoreline/campground development requests 

Part C = Includes revealing discussions after P&Z meeting was adjourned

November 20, 2023 Park & Recreation Commission meeting

About 7 minutes into the meeting, Bill Tefft talks about zoning & coding for natural spaces and open spaces for Park & Rec activities. He speaks later on too.  Maybe Park & Rec can get Planning & Zoning via City Council to act, plus maybe expand natural spaces? Kathtyn Farion provides updates on Garden Club activities  and needs.

November 21, 2023 City Council meeting

November 28, 2023 Joint Study Session (Council with P&Z)

This meeting is a casual working study session about (re) zoning and (re) coding parts of Ely.  No actions are taken, just open candid  discussions among P&Z, Council, City Attorney and City Clerk. The public can observe.