Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis
euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.
Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan.
Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem,
suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.
Regular scheduled P&Z meeting held on Wed., April 17, 2024 in Ely, MN. Scroll down for YouTube link.
Compare tonight’s tone, focused discussions and opinions, and completion of agenda with how things were proceeding months ago. Compare the number of anti-Council and anti-citizen comments. Compare wasted time spent on personal speeches. Spoiler alerts and hints:
(1) The new P&Z Chair Emily Roose is skilled at facilitating professional meetings, including modeling positive interactions with fellow commissioners and public. Polite, open, flexible, focused: these simple things create a positive community atmosphere.
(2) City Planning Administrator Scott Kochendorfer was complimented on improved agenda and packet preparation as well as individual P&Z binders they received. His recent PBS interview had positive reviews.
(3) Agenda Item #6 – Reports were clearer and more detailed, giving impression Commission was actually speaking to the public and others who didn’t receive or read P&Z agenda+packets. Government by, for and of the people. What’s important for listeners to know (and not just your opinions)? Thanks, Angela Campbell.
(4) Having Todd Credo record the P&Z meetings, even if they are not broadcast, is a great step towards accountability. The assumption is someone somewhere in City Hall or Council is watching. People behave differently when they are recorded. Hopefully, the public will be able to observe government in action (or non-action) when meetings are streamed free and easily accessible to all. Another important part of Todd’s task is projecting agenda and documents on the front screen. You can see Commissioners check the screen, helping them stay focused on topics and agenda. What is projected on the front screen is automatically recorded (and broadcast), so audiences at home and in Council Chambers are better involved in the discussions as they happen.
Highlights with time markers:
0:00 – 5:23 Agenda Item #5 Requests to Appear: Frederica Musgrave – Comprehensive Plan. She referred to P&Z packet page 17 (City of Ely Vision Statement) and page 20 (page 23 in Land Use & Comprehensive Plan). She retired here in the City to enjoy Miners Lake and Lake Shagawa Trails. She wanted to hear and enjoy nature in the City. She requested P&Z Commission think about nature and natural places. Think about noise ordinances. Talk with Park & Rec Board and local naturalists including Bill Tefft about “open spaces.”
Why was this entire paragraph recommended for deletion from #5 Land Use Recommendations on page 20? “Integrate natural infrastructure with the urban interface. The City of Ely could make better utilization and protection of rivers, lakes, urban forest, and other elements of the City’s natural infrastructure.”
Item #6 Reports –
5:23 – 11:20 Scott Kochendorfer City P&Z updates. 11:20 – 11:50 Emily Roose Projects Committee updates. 11:50 – 14:40 Council Member Angela Campbell Council updates.
Item #7 New Business
4:45 – 15:55 a. Emily Roose elected as P&Z rep to Sanitation Commission. 15:55 – 25:00 b. Discussion about dumpster enclosures.
Item #8 Old Business 25:05 – 25:22 a. Land stability requirement – nothing extra at this time per Scott Kochendirfer. 25:22 – b. Comprehensive Plan updating. This was a very focused and objective process tonight, reviewing paragraph by paragraph. They exchanged specific and general input about the City’s vision as well as real interconnecting problems/issues.
Regular scheduled Park & Recreation Board meeting held on April 15, 2024, in City Hall, Ely. Note: the May 20th meeting will be held in Whiteside Park. Board Member Todd Crego filmed the meeting tonight but there is no known public broadcast date. Park & Rec couldn’t take actions or vote until they had a quorum (10:50 minutes into the clip), but they could hear presentations. ALL the Commissioners and Council Rep Adam Bisbee were actively involved throughout the meeting with good questions and comments.
Link to YouTube is at the end of this post. Highlights of tonight’s meeting with time markers:
0:55 – 26:00 minutes – Ozzie Reif & John Scully updated about the North Country Trail. Listen to discussions about trail town committee, designated route through Ely (need to double check with Police Dept), cedar bogs, routes per maps, and trail possibly going entering private property.
26:15 – 55:00 Dutchman Tree Service (DTS) proposed a new kids tree climbing activity for the 4th of July at Whiteside Park this summer. The Young Life group was all excited about tree climbing. DTS played a YouTube video demonstrating all the specialized safety equipment needed. Please listen carefully to questions posed to and responses by DTS There are many issues about kids’ age/height/size, safety, first aid response, liability, staffing, kid-sized equipment, required insurance, popularity, time for kids to be properly suited up, training, and actual time to attempt the climb (not all will be physically able to finish). Listen to comments about physical challenge. DTS needs to obtain more info about special liability and insurance as well as purchase appropriate equipment for kids. When will the 4th of July committee organizers review this? The Park & Rec Board scheduled their May 20th meeting for Whiteside Park, so DTS can demonstrate with real kids on the one tree in Whiteside that meets their needs. The May 20th meeting is open to the public.
55:00 – 1:27:12 The President of the Ely Little League Board requested and the Park & Rec recommended to Council that the City of Ely fund the resupply of baseball dirt for their field. There was much discussion and many questions about payments for water and electricity, building improvements, maintenance of the field, replacements of equipment, etc. Little League is very interested in cooperating with many others who use water, electricity, field, building, etc. They donate a considerable amount of their money, time and energy for kids and field/structure improvements. . . But how much should they really pay? How much should others pay? How much should the City pay? More discussion is needed and a list made. EUC should be able to provide details about concession stand usage and billing. Little League’s first practice is May 2nd.
1:27:12 – 1:36:40 Discussion of Kata Goalen’s mural project proposal. The Board decided to suggest the artist contact NLAA directly.
1:36:40 – Discussion about the Comprehensive Plan. The Rec Center and other sites/facilities were not listed. Activities such as biking should be added. Wordage recommendations were made as to Park & Rec’s role to provide, maintain and promote a wide range of recreational opportunities.
Earlier, the Chair Morgan Sauls voiced 3 other key words: fair, equal and affordable.
FM side note: Should the Park & Rec Board (and the whole City) consider expanding their VISION beyond just humans seeking work and play in Ely? How about appreciating, respecting, promoting, and protecting spaces for all the awesome animals and plants that are also “residents” or “tourists” who work, play and raise their “kids” here? Their existence is stressed and imperiled by human activities. Where is a broad VISION statement about City-wide (lawns, homes, parks, and designated open areas) habitat protection, restoration, and promotion of non-toxic sustainable practices to promote pollinators? How could Lawns to Legumes (Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources) become park of the City’s vision? The Park & Rec Board can actually recommend Planning & Zoning and City Council (re)designate and (permanently) set aside spaces for Park & Recreation with the intention to preserve habitats for non-humans. Why is there no mention of Earth Month?
FM side note: Should the Park & Rec Board (and the whole City) consider expanding their VISION beyond traditional “active” recreational activities? What about considering and promoting more “passive” and individual or small group activities? For example, birding or going wildlife and nature observations by groups such as the Ely Field Naturalists. Healthy life-style exercise hints (signage) or equipment in parks or on trails. Dog parks.
FM side note: Should the Ely Senior Center recreational activities NOT be included in Park & Recreation’s VISION? The statement posted above from the Ely City website seems to include, not exclude, more passive-type activities that many seniors engage in.
Earlier in the evening, the Chair Morgan Sauls voiced 3 key words about recreational opportunities: fair, equal and affordable. How much money (actual dollar amounts and percentages) of designated Park & Rec funds are annually spent on different active and passive recreational activities? What were/are the goals to serve and improve the quality of life of all ages, backgrounds, and physical abilities?
Not all groups and individuals are loud, proactive or politically astute to voice their interests, much less lobby, for funding or support for their activities from the City and Park & Rec Board. Should they be ignored, discounted, or approached as part of an inclusive outreach.
Regular scheduled City Council meeting held on April 2, 2024, in Ely, MN. See City website for Council packet with updates. Scroll to bottom for YouTube clip.
See City website for Council packet with updates. Pages 8-15 of the packet include the Mitigation Charts mentioned by Brady Roy:
Highlights with time markers: 1:35 Mayor requests input for selecting Volunteer of the Year. She also gives short legislative updates.
7:30 – 22:35 Bradley Roy updates on Ely’s Emergency Management plan with a powerpoint showing Ely Evacuation Zone Map. The plan is for Ely, not outside the city limits. Hopefully local radio station will be back up soon. 97.9 WEVE radio has been broadcasting Ely info. If people cannot access website for updates during emergency, Police Dept can go door-to-door if need be.
7:30 – 22:35 Bradley Roy updates on Ely’s Emergency Management plan with a powerpoint showing Ely Evacuation Zone Map. The plan is for Ely, not outside the city limits. Hopefully local radio station will be back up soon. 97.9 WEVE radio has been broadcasting Ely info. If people cannot access website for updates during emergency, Police Dept can go door-to-door if need be.
More details and posting of the semi-interactive plan on the Ely City website after tomorrow’s (Wed) joint press conference in Duluth with St. Louis County, U.S. Forest and DNR. The Mitigation Charts in Council packet probably won’t be posted on same City website at this time. Contact Bradley if you need a copy. (Note: see website above to get charts in Council packet.) Discussion followed. Council supported what was submitted.
22:40 Many committee reports and motions moved quickly.
23:00 Park & Rec’s 2 motions passed: (1) Paint basketball & pickleballs lines on rec center court. (2) City staff will investigate joint powers’ interest in possible joint recreation facility. Discussion.
26:00 Outgoing P&Z Commissioner Mike Banovetz appointed to represent P&Z on Sanitation Committee. He will step down when replaced.
27:20 Sanitation’s 2 motions passed: (1) Keeping G-Men contract for 4 more years. (2) Approved Spring Clean Up Days for April 26th & 27th. Note: There are plans for April 20th to be “Spruce Up Ely Day.”
34:10 Paul Kess gives update on RAMS. 34:55 Harold Langowski City-Treasurer updates, mainly about snow removal.
37:03 Fire Chief: 16 medical calls, 2 fire calls (one was for CO). 39:00 Library updates on April events including free eclipse glasses & activities. 42:05 – 58:06 Police Dept updates on hiring process. Chief models new dark navy uniform with new badge.
Communications: 44:40 (1) Paul Kess clarified lodging tax, responding to Ely Tourism Bureau email about what was published in the Ely Echo. (2) 46:40 Ely Food Shelf – Angela Campbell added that the Rotary Club successfully fundraised for the Food Shelf in March. (3) 47:15 – 58:10 Council and City encourage public to attend April 11th Board of Appeal & Equalization meeting. You can question valuation of your property, not come to complain about taxes.
50:00 Catie Clark appointed to Gardner Trust.
50:48 Joe Priorischi appointed to Planning & Zoning.
52:50: Open Forum: Mel H — (?) from Duluth only had 3 minutes (plus several extensions past that) for his speech. His speech focused on Article 5 of the Constitution. “Government is a weasel.” Politicians go in poor and come out rich. His petition is for States’ rights against a federal government that has no budget restraints.
FM side note: and other organizations have commented on this petition. “Wealthy donors, corporations, and radical far-right actors are pushing calls for an Article V Convention in states across the country to reshape our Constitution for their own benefit. Frighteningly, they are just a few states away from succeeding.” Please do your own research.
Bradley Roy is giving an Emergency Management Update at Ely City Council meeting this Tuesday, April,2024. See documents submitted (pages 8-15) in the Council packet available online:
Check Council Chambers and/or online just before the meeting for any additions or changes. Check back here at this website for posting of YouTube and/or documents after the Council meeting.
CITY COUNCIL: Regular Meetings – 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers; Study Session – Last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers (Agendas are available on the City Website the Friday before the meeting.) Meetings are broadcasted live on Midco Channels 11 and 98. Meetings are rebroadcasted Monday, Friday, and Saturday – Channel 11 at 8am and 5:30pm unless otherwise scheduled live meeting and on Channel 98 at 9am and 7pm unless otherwise scheduled live meeting.
Regular scheduled City Council meeting held Tuesday, March 19, 2024, in Ely. MN.
Ryan Callen was acting City Mayor in Heidi Omerza’s absence.
Council packet is posted on City website. Check later for changes & additions.
YouTube link at the bottom. Highlights of meeting with time markers:
FM side note regarding all Council meetings (not picking on tonight’s meeting): Council Members and City Hall are assuming viewers are able to access, want to log online ahead of time, and read the whole packet posted online. They cannot access and/or don’t (have time). As the public is watching from home, let them know more about what’s going on. Maybe this is the first time they tuned in and know nothing. Engage them as they listen on their couches, get them to chat with neighbors, inspire them to get more involved in commissions, etc. Saying something like, “Minutes are in the packet” and not relaying more doesn’t really pique public interest. If YOU are excited about YOUR job and YOUR commissions, show it! Harold Langowski shows enthusiasm, humor and gives detailed info.
2:55 – 4:39 Projects Committee: Passed 2 motions as recommended: (1) Commit property needed for work force housing to HRA and direct City Atty work up ordinance. (2) Pay $2000 housing study invoice from Maxfield Research.
There was no discussion nor mention of the many other development projects in the draft minutes submitted by the Projects Committee (pages 16-17 in Council packet). Some of the updates included (1) Ambulance & Fire Garage; (2) Old Community Center/Hotel demolition, parking lot, old Ford Garage; (3) 37-unit work force housing apartment complex. See discussion under HRA; (4) Ott redevelopment of Train Depot property; land swap of Ford Garage to use for hotel parking.
4:40 – 7:10 Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA) reports given by Angela Campbell and Harold Langowski. 5:52 Zoning “P” is used for public housing projects.
7:18 City Clerk-Treasurer report
8:25 Fire Chief updated on trainings and physicals. No fire calls, 9 medical calls.
10:30 – 12:55 Library updates. Solar Eclipse program is April 8th. Starting April 1st (not a joke), the Library will give out solar eclipse glasses, 2/person while quantities last.
No Police Dept or City Engineer reports
13:06 – 25:36 City Attorney report: 13:06 (1) First reading of Conditional Uses changes to Ordinance 376. Atty thinks public’s main issues of concern would be apartment rentals and housing. No mention about formal motion from P&Z to proceed to reading. (FM side note: check P&Z minutes and our YouTube recordings of P&Z meetings for the last several months.) Additional items were provided just before tonight’s meeting. These changes require a public hearing. Public Hearing will be April 16th at 4:45 pm. (2) City Atty said changes can still be made. First reading of Ordinance approved. 22:13 (3) Public Hearing on April 16th at 5:15 pm re 45 Boundary St. 24:54 (4) Spaulding purchase
25:36 Communications: Ely Lodging Tax comparison through January (page 45 in Council packet). Fall Lake is not included.
26:35 Claims
27:13 Old Business: Council appointed Paul Dunnom to Police Commission
New Business: Approved license for Frisky Otter pending necessary items done.
Regular scheduled Park & Recreation meeting held March 18, 2024 in Ely, MN. Tonight was a citizen-focused meeting with frequent interaction of all Commissioners with presenters and Harold Langowski. Highlights with time markers:
2:50 Mary Mills and Nancy Hernesmaa requested the City paint or tape pickleball lines on floor in the Ely Rec Center. The Pickleball Club-lub would like to donate a net, paddles, balls and even time to teach kids how to play. The Club and/or individuals would donate. Discussion about times the Club could use facilities so as not to interfere with school kids and Rec Center. The Club was more interested in “shoulder times,” not summer season. Discussion about access to Rec Center, storage, types of nets, and security. Additional discussions followed about more outdoor courts and locations. The Pickleball Club has about 90 members in the summer, not including drop-ins. Motion to recommend painting of pickleball lines passed.
2:00 Adam Bisbee requested addition to the agenda: ad hoc committee would like the feasibility of a multi-purpose use dome project be pursued through Joint Powers.
23:30 Adam briefly explained the concept and uses of the multi-purpose recreational dome. He has talked with others including residents in nearby areas like Fall Lake Township (thinking of their own rec center) and the Open Communications public forum. The college is very interested. They would need approximately $30k-$40K for a feasiibilty study.
27:47 George Pond then spoke about what needed to be encompassed in the feasibility study. The dome would be absolutely valuable for the greater community.
29:52 Discussion followed about who might pay for the feasibility study and then the project. Which Joint Powers group, or ? The dome would attract visitors and benefit our surrounding townships, groups, VCC, schools, etc. Harold talked about the different Joint Powers organizations. Adam later mentioned support could possibly come from the Forest Service, FEMA and federal infrastructure funds.
31:04 Harold suggested best first steps to get Council support to working towards Joint Powers interest. You need to get all interested entities included. IRRRB would probably not fund the study but maybe (part of) the project. He suggested Park & Rec pass a motion for Council to direct him and maybe Kelly (City Atty) to investigate Joint Power options for the study/project. Passed.
37:25 Discussion about Comprehensive Plan. Commissioners will take info in tonight’s packet home as homework to study, and then discuss next meeting. Different locations, activities and buildings were mentioned, including girl’s softball.
Rescheduled regular meeting of Ely’s Park & Recreation meeting held on Monday, February 26, 2024. The following is a DRAFT of highlights. This DRAFT will be reviewed, revised and include time markers.
Last minute Request to Speak presenter suggested how Park & Rec Commission can have a greater power. “Power” isn’t/wasn’t the best choice of word, because Park & Rec isn’t into power. This isn’t the Planning & Zoning Commission. Park and Rec Commission represents the awesome spirit of Ely and its surroundings, the best of Ely’s sense of community. “Impact” is perhaps a better word than “power.” Frederica Musgrave suggested:
(1) Get minutes approved and presented faster to City Council, so there isn’t a 2-month delay.
(2) Make more motions (and pass them), so Park & Rec goes on the record for what the Commission believes in and/or wants to have happen. Work with Planning & Zoning and Bill Tefft to discuss Zoning and Coding of Open Spaces, so areas are set aside for nature, parks, and recreation. Work with P&Z and Bill Tefft to develop better noise ordinances. Some of us want to watch and hear birds within City limits. (3) Be proactive. Park & Rec is not subordinate to P&Z. You are the voice of Ely. (4) Get Park & Recreation projects on the agenda of Projects Committee. Bill Tefft mentions birding spots on Miners Lake. Can we get benches, etc.? (5) Find out from the City what active role Park & Rec now has in contacting and communicating with citizens/residents, so the Commission isn’t suddenly surprised again with similar requests. At the end of 2023, Harold Langowski wanted the Commission to get feedback from community about installing a dock, etc. on NE corner of Miners Lake. No established or suggested procedures were provided. Nobody from City Hall was there. But this was an urgent matter!
Harold Langowski joined the Commission later in evening and sat in audience. Great interaction with Commissioners, answering questions, updating about projects, etc.
The Commissioners reported about many events and project updates. Please log in again when info is more complete and includes time markers.
Regular scheduled meeting held on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Election of new Chair Emily Roose and new Vice Chair Tim Riley. Previous Chair Mike Banovetz still wanted to be P&Z representative on Projects Committee. City website says the P&Z Chair is the representative. Interesting discussion. Does P&Z do want it wants, make up its own rules? Similar opinions have been voiced previously.
Presentation by City Attorney Kelly Klun about P&Z policies and procedures. Emily Roose made motion (passed) back in November 2023 to have City educate P&Z Commissioners on Robert’s Rules of Order and much more. She also made motion (passed) to clarify Board of Adjustments (BOA) process clarified to public. This was after the divisive Public Hearings regarding huge expansion of RV/ATV campground on Miners Lake in residential neighborhood.
Kelly Klun was very professional, as expected. However, are Commissioners supposed to be representatives and voices of their neighborhoods and citizens/residents . . . talk with them . . . or are they to isolate themselves – go out of their way to isolate themselves – due to “open meeting laws.” The City and developers present development plans, sometimes biased towards the developers. How are Commissioners supposed to hear opposing viewpoints or citizen/resident concerns? Are they only supposed to listen to the citizens at Public Hearings? At those hearings, the citizens/residents have limited time to speak and are told not to repeat what others said. That’s not open communication.
The City Attorney discussed “conflict of interest.” She tended to limit herself and commission to money. After Kelly Klun’s group presentation, she was asked about lobbyists. There are different definitions of “lobbyists.” Should Commissioners continue to lobby directly and indirectly for personal interests and groups during P&Z Commission meetings? They can lobby to all the Commissioners at the same during meetings, so it’s not a violation of “open meeting laws”? And then have their biased comments posted in the P&Z minutes?
Kelly Klun announced she would be addressing 3 issues only: Potential conflicts of interest. Proper communication. Open meeting laws. She did not come to discuss or interpret development regulations, definitions or ordinances. At least 2 Commissioners again and again kept trying to get the City Attorney to give them her professional opinion about Miners Lake and topics related to the RV/ATV Campground expansion (not on agenda).
The P&Z Commission got through their entire agenda!
Regular scheduled monthly meeting held on January 17, 2024. Long meeting, but the agenda was not completed. Newly appointed Commissioner was not there. Election of P&Z Chair and Vice will be held in February when new Commissioner present. This post is a DRAFT. More details, highlights and time markers will be posted.
About 1/3 of time was spent on Chair Mike Banovetz’s 2024 plans for P&Z. (He was not re-elected as Chair in Feb. He resigned Feb. 22nd, which was first publicly announced in March 12th City Council packet.) Approximately the other 1/3 of time was spent by outgoing Commissioner (term-expired).
There was lengthy discussion about the how the City can help the hotel meeting its requirement for parking. The Commissioners expressed their opinions and recommendations about letting the hotel use the Senior Citizens Community Center parking lot. Listen to what was actually said by the Commissioners and compare with what was in the newspapers or expressed by Commissioners to friends and public. Council Member Angela Campbell was the only one really concerned about where the seniors will park.
Highlights and time markers will be posted as soon as possible.
YouTube link is at end of this post. Scroll below the actual video clip to read highlights and time markers. The comments below are not posted on the YouTube clip. The following comments and questions focus on fiscal conservatism (responsibility and accountability with public monies). Nothing shocking or “new” happened at the February 20th Council meeting, but there weren’t enough comments from Council and detail from Harold regarding the projects mentioned, especially since the Projects and HRA minutes provided more questions than answers. The Council meeting lasted less than 30 minutes, maybe a record? Are short meetings the goal for citizen-focused government?
HRA and Projects Committee. Is City Council not comfortable asking for more details, representing the taxpayers interests: money well spent and a needs for citizen- and resident- focused projects? Tonight the meeting should have lasted an hour, not under 30 minutes. Tonight was the time for elected officials and the City to consider costs and specs BEFORE applications and decisions are made. Per minutes submitted for Council packet tonight, many things were not addressed at HRA and Projects meetings. Appointed members on HRA and Projects Committee should have discussed all these things more deeply. They didn’t. That’s okay. But Council should have then voiced more questions and comments to be sent back to HRA and Projects for them to address and respond back to Council.
(1) For example, townhouses would house x amount of adults and kids vs. apartments housing x amount of (working) adults and kids? (2) If you don’t have a job, you cannot apply for these workforce apartments? Or stay? (3) What are the priorities and requirements for applicants? (4) If the proposed Ordinance 375 addresses these questions and issues, why wasn’t something mentioned? This was the First Reading and was tied to the projects on tonight’s agenda. (5) What does the new proposed housing mean in terms of monthly rent? Apartment now vs. townhouse? How much will be subsidized? (6) What will the square footage be for apartments vs. townhouses? (7) What about parking? Garages?
If the housing development has changed from townhouses to apartments, meaning changes in specifications, etc., would or should new bids be solicited? Did or will developers be submitting Plan A and Plan B bids, meaning a high bid for everything requested and an alternative less-cost bid?
There is a reason Ely finally found a developer after such a long frustrating wait . . . or a developer found Ely. Everything in real estate, construction and development circles around money . . . . leading to need for cost cutting for higher profits. Construction of apartments is different than building townhouses. There are probably few, hard-to-access, or no websites that reveal how developers cut costs. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) doesn’t seem to get that involved in major construction projects and housing or mall developments. I know BBB suggests some folks contact the MN Sec of State (licensing and regulations) to resolve issues.
We are assuming “DW Jones” mentioned in the minutes is the same as D.W. Jones Management, Inc. We are NOT saying DW Jones is a greedy, bad corporation. We are NOT saying they are doing anything illegal or unusual. They are probably a great choice for this or any housing development. But when so much money is involved, shouldn’t someone on City Council, City government, or serving on commissions, committees or boards ask more questions than those mentioned above? Who does simple vetting like clicking on the BBB website (try it now)? Who taps into deeper feedback from those experienced in how businesses pare down costs as well as the long-term effect of those cut-cutting decisions? This is also why a diversity of inquiry-minded, fiscally-responsible, and citizen-focused folks should be elected to office and appointed to commissions, etc. We have the same friends-of-friends groups sitting on commissions for 9-year terms, also too many are appointed to serve on more than one commission.
Additional costs for City for housing: (1) Who is doing the “update” to the Maxfield Research study? No name of person or business was given by Howard. His use of “update,” meaning person or business, was (intentionally?) cryptic. (2) What is the cost for a new and/or updated feasibility study? Who is paying for this? (3) Wouldn’t an apartment vs. townhouse development mean less land preparation costs? Who saves those dollars?? Are those $$ folded into the developer’s costs or profits? Who profits with swaps of land?
Hotel, Senior Parking lot, Ott depot development: What is the City subsidizing (in)directly? Can the depot development be redesigned, so the City does not need to give away the public parking space on the south side of Miners Drive? Did someone ask? Is there a correlation between the more real estate you have, the better your financial deals with government? Is there a correlation between promises of big money for/with big real estate development and the neglect/sacrifice of small businesses and/or public facilities? Why wasn’t the hotel parking issue openly dealt with AND settled before the renovation started or the agreement signed?
Side note: It is surprising that there are so many empty store fronts on Sheridan and Chapman, businesses that need remodeling, residential living spaces in need of major repair, elevators that should be installed to make 2nd floor and basement level public gathering places accessible, etc. Where are the City’s active plans or goals to promote smaller renovation/development projects to help out small business owners and organizations, based on the needs of who lives here now?
Is accessibility not important, not in the Comprehensive plan, not profitable enough? Is it not the responsibility of City Council and City to promote more accessibility-related projects? Funding exists. Search the IRRRB website using “elevators for accessibility” or similar wording. Do people in casts, using canes/crutches, or in wheelchairs need to do handstands to make others more aware of accessiblility issues? Or should they just stay at home?
We all know the City cannot be blamed for everything. For example, entrances and multiple floors of public businesses do not have to be accessible. Remodeling of entrances or installing of elevators interferes with sales and customer service. Another example, the Senior Center suddenly appeared at Council, needing more funding than originally requested and approved for. The City couldn’t just give them more $$ right then and there. Council and Harold suggested they attend the next Projects Committee meeting with more detailed info about their needs and projects, so the City could help them. The City and Council truly cared. No show per Projects minutes.
Planning & Zoning mtg April 17 2024 Recording
Regular scheduled P&Z meeting held on Wed., April 17, 2024 in Ely, MN. Scroll down for YouTube link.
Compare tonight’s tone, focused discussions and opinions, and completion of agenda with how things were proceeding months ago. Compare the number of anti-Council and anti-citizen comments. Compare wasted time spent on personal speeches. Spoiler alerts and hints:
(1) The new P&Z Chair Emily Roose is skilled at facilitating professional meetings, including modeling positive interactions with fellow commissioners and public. Polite, open, flexible, focused: these simple things create a positive community atmosphere.
(2) City Planning Administrator Scott Kochendorfer was complimented on improved agenda and packet preparation as well as individual P&Z binders they received. His recent PBS interview had positive reviews.
(3) Agenda Item #6 – Reports were clearer and more detailed, giving impression Commission was actually speaking to the public and others who didn’t receive or read P&Z agenda+packets. Government by, for and of the people. What’s important for listeners to know (and not just your opinions)? Thanks, Angela Campbell.
(4) Having Todd Credo record the P&Z meetings, even if they are not broadcast, is a great step towards accountability. The assumption is someone somewhere in City Hall or Council is watching. People behave differently when they are recorded. Hopefully, the public will be able to observe government in action (or non-action) when meetings are streamed free and easily accessible to all. Another important part of Todd’s task is projecting agenda and documents on the front screen. You can see Commissioners check the screen, helping them stay focused on topics and agenda. What is projected on the front screen is automatically recorded (and broadcast), so audiences at home and in Council Chambers are better involved in the discussions as they happen.
Highlights with time markers:
0:00 – 5:23 Agenda Item #5 Requests to Appear: Frederica Musgrave – Comprehensive Plan. She referred to P&Z packet page 17 (City of Ely Vision Statement) and page 20 (page 23 in Land Use & Comprehensive Plan). She retired here in the City to enjoy Miners Lake and Lake Shagawa Trails. She wanted to hear and enjoy nature in the City. She requested P&Z Commission think about nature and natural places. Think about noise ordinances. Talk with Park & Rec Board and local naturalists including Bill Tefft about “open spaces.”
Why was this entire paragraph recommended for deletion from #5 Land Use Recommendations on page 20? “Integrate natural infrastructure with the urban interface. The City of Ely could make better utilization and protection of rivers, lakes, urban forest, and other elements of the City’s natural infrastructure.”
Item #6 Reports –
5:23 – 11:20 Scott Kochendorfer City P&Z updates.
11:20 – 11:50 Emily Roose Projects Committee updates.
11:50 – 14:40 Council Member Angela Campbell Council updates.
Item #7 New Business
4:45 – 15:55 a. Emily Roose elected as P&Z rep to Sanitation Commission.
15:55 – 25:00 b. Discussion about dumpster enclosures.
Item #8 Old Business
25:05 – 25:22 a. Land stability requirement – nothing extra at this time per Scott Kochendirfer.
25:22 – b. Comprehensive Plan updating. This was a very focused and objective process tonight, reviewing paragraph by paragraph. They exchanged specific and general input about the City’s vision as well as real interconnecting problems/issues.