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Frank Moe to deliver petitions to Govenor Dayton March 8, 2012

Frank Moe and his Huskies
The Race To Protect Minnesota from
Acid Mine Drainage

SLED DOGS TO ST. PAUL – Sunday and Monday events in Duluth, Thursday at the Capitol.
Reminder –
March 4, Duluth Lester Park Event 3-4 pm
(Lester Park Pavilion 61st Ave. East and Superior St)
March 5, West Duluth Munger Inn Event 9-10 am
(Williard Munger Inn, 7408 Grand Ave.)
March 8, St. Paul Capital Event 10:30-11:30 am
(75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.)

Former State legislator and dog sled musher Frank Moe is planning a dog sled run from northeastern Minnesota to St. Paul. Frank Moe and his dog team will deliver petitions from across the state to the Capitol on March 8th. Concerned citizens, local businesses, and many environmental organizations and groups are involved in the fight to save our beloved Arrowhead Region from copper-nickel sulfide mining, a dangerous new type of mining never before permitted in Minnesota.

The well-poisoners – Iron Range drinking water is contaminated-The State of Minnesota knew and did nothing.

The following article is by Jennifer Martin-Romme of the Duluth based Zenith City Weekly

Eight drinking wells in northern St. Louis County were found to contain levels of manganese in excess of up to 47 times the state health limit, according to a January 2009 memo from Barr Engineering, a Minneapolis–based environmental consulting company, to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

The memo indicates that in December 2008 and January 2009, at the request of the MPCA and the DNR, Barr Engineering, whose clients include the fuel and mining industries, sampled residential wells within a 28–square–mile vicinity of mining waste on the Iron Range.

The company tested 15 wells for various metals. Some, like aluminum and manganese, exceeded standards; others, including arsenic and copper, did not.

Minnesota’s recommended limit for manganese in drinking water is 100 micrograms per liter. The 15 sampled wells ranged from 0.66 to 4,710. The other seven wells that exceeded standards had levels of 284, 432, 578, 583, 603, 654, and 1,400.

Manganese is a naturally occurring mineral, often found in iron deposits and thus a byproduct of extracting iron ore. In small doses, it is an essential dietary nutrient, but exposure to high amounts has been linked to “chronic manganese poisoning” since the 19th century.

A 1989 study of adult subjects by the University of Patras in Greece found that as little as 50 micrograms per liter in drinking water was progressively correlated with cognitive impairment and neurological symptoms resembling Parkinson’s disease.

A study last year at the University of Montreal found a six–point drop in IQ scores among children exposed to less than 400 micrograms per liter. The children’s verbal, visual–spatial, and concept–formation abilities were reduced by “a very big difference.”

Due to the sensitive nature of this situation, the Zenith is withholding the names of the well owners and any information that could be used to identify them, including nearby towns and the name of the mine.

None of the state officials interviewed knows whether anyone has continued to use the affected wells or if they have experienced symptoms of manganese poisoning.

According to Stuart Arkley of the DNR, who was a recipient of the 2009 memo, the first round of well testing was conducted to gather baseline information for environmental review of future mining projects.

The test results will be included in the Environmental Impact Statement for PolyMet, a proposed copper/nickel mine on the Iron Range that is not yet in operation.

Arkley says his task, as a project manager in the DNR’s Environmental Review Unit, was to make sure documentation of the testing was sent to the appropriate technical staff and to relay any questions or concerns back to Barr Engineering, but “not to understand every issue in the documents.”

Barr Engineering is one of PolyMet’s primary contractors. Arkley doesn’t feel it’s a conflict of interest that Barr also conducted these tests because “the documents come here and we have technical staff to review them and ask questions if something doesn’t look right.”

He says the DNR provided no written response to the well test results. “There may have been some questions, but we did not send written comments to Barr. But nor did we provide a written approval of the [2009] memo. I do not recall any issues with the analytical methods used by Barr. Typically, when we have significant comments on a document we will ask for a revised copy that addresses those comments. That was not necessary here.”

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) sets the state guideline for manganese, but the agency has no authority to enforce it, according to Pam Shubat and Kate Sande with the Health Risk Assessment Unit.

The 2009 memo does not indicate that anyone at the Department of Health was ever notified about the testing or given the results. Shubat and Sande said they had not seen the memo and are not familiar with its contents.

Even if they had been, the MDH health risk limits for chemicals in drinking water, which the agency is directed by state law to develop, function only as recommendations. The federal Safe Drinking Water Act doesn’t regulate manganese at all.

“We might get involved if there’s an enforcement issue involved,” Shubat says. “If we’re consulted and asked to participate, we might write a letter to someone with a well that needs attention.”

But there’s no regulation of residential drinking wells in Minnesota. “A well owner is responsible for their own well unless there’s contamination [by an outside party], in which case the MPCA may step in.”

Filtering is the best option for decontamination. “Manganese is in the groundwater,” says Shubat. “Once you find it, you would have to filter the water…It might enter from rock or from an industrial source [such as an underground storage tank, in which case the manganese would dissipate]. It won’t disappear if it’s coming from rock.”

Shubat and Sande don’t recall any well advisories on the Iron Range during the time period of the tests. Not having reviewed the data, they declined comment as to whether the levels found might be concerning.

“When we develop a health risk limit,” Shubat says, “we’re saying it’s safe to drink that water. That’s the value people can drink safely. We don’t create an upper limit. There’s only uncertainty above that.”

Generally speaking, MDH’s health risk limits are set protectively low and they are more concerned about high manganese exposure with infants, especially those fed reconstituted formula. “We still believe adults can tolerate higher levels.”

Last year, the agency considered raising the manganese standard to 300, which is the health risk limit set by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, after reviewing the scientific research and in response to public outcry, the recommendation in Minnesota remains 100 micrograms per liter.

“If I were the well owner, I’d probably be concerned,” says Richard Clark, a hydrologist with the MPCA, to whom Barr Engineering’s results were addressed.

However, Clark says his role was purely in the context of environmental review for future mining projects, not epidemiology. “We got a request from individuals in the area to have this done. I think there was general concern they were near [mining waste]. We contacted PolyMet and asked if they’d be interested in doing it.”

All the well owners in the area were contacted and “the ones that allowed [the testing] are the ones shown here.” PolyMet would otherwise have no authority to test residential wells.

“More than likely,” says Clark, “[the manganese levels found] were the result of local conditions around the individual wells [such as well construction, the availability of oxygen, etc.]…I think we looked at the results and decided which were affected and which were likely not affected.”

The MPCA has built additional wells near the mining waste “to more directly monitor the effects.” The results will be included in PolyMet’s Environmental Impact Statement, which is expected to be released this spring.

Clark doesn’t know if the well test results were provided to the Health Department nor whether the well owners have been evaluated for symptoms of manganese poisoning.

He is not aware of any agency policy that would prompt further intervention by the MPCA. “The results were provided to them. An explanation letter was sent by PolyMet’s consultant…In general, yes, [the explanation was provided in plain language].”

The Barr Engineering memo indicates that copies of its lab reports were provided to each well owner, but these reports, which are attached to the memo, are virtually incomprehensible without additional information.

Letters were also sent from PolyMet to the 15 well owners, providing the levels of each chemical tested for and a general description of the applicable standards. However, there is no mention of any potential health effects if those standards are exceeded.

The well with the highest manganese was retested six months later, “because of the values seen,” says Clark. This was due to high values overall, not just manganese.

A September 2009 letter from PolyMet to this well owner is very similar to the first notification letters. “The water in your well did not exceed any primary drinking water standard. However, the manganese content of your water was above the secondary drinking water standard and the [MDH] health risk limit.”

The “secondary drinking water standard” is a non–enforceable guideline from the EPA for “aesthetic effects.” For manganese, it is 50 micrograms per liter, mostly to prevent stains on clothing and household appliances.

A “primary standard” would be legally enforceable, except there is no legally enforceable standard for manganese at all—only the EPA’s guideline of 300 and the Health Department’s recommended level of 100—both of which are well below the levels found in this well.

In January 2009, the sample tested at 4,710; by July, it was down to 1,400. Based on Shubat’s statements, this would suggest the dissipation associated with an external source, rather than from the surrounding bedrock.

“It’s more complex than that,” says Clark. “When you look at some of the other parameters, you get a better picture of where the water from [the waste] is flowing.”

In its 2009 memo, Barr Engineering concluded, “The reason for the highly variable observed manganese concentrations is unknown,” dismissing the possibility that the nearby mine could be related because higher contaminant levels did not directly correlate with each well’s proximity to mining waste.

However, there is a consistent connection when factoring in the type of well in addition to its proximity. The highest manganese levels were found closest to the mine, in wells dug into “glacial drift”—a shallow layer of gravel, sand, or clay, saturated with groundwater.

Of the 15 wells tested, eight are in glacial drift. Only three of those did not exceed manganese limits, but they were either at a distance from the mine and/or separated from it by a body of water. Lower levels were also found closer, but only in wells dug into bedrock.

“I believe [Barr Engineering’s] conclusions make sense,” says Clark. “What’s ultimately going on will come from the monitoring wells. In order to make assessments, you need to look at the parameters…The manganese is subject to local conditions in and around the well. Without knowing more about the well, I can’t hazard a guess.”

St. Louis County no longer offers residential well testing and can only direct inquiries to private labs. More information on wells is available through the Well Management Division of the Health Department, 218–723–4642.

Thanks go to the Zenith City Weekly and to the author Jennifer Martin-Romme for this excellent article, without which we might believe the rhetoric of Minnesota politicians and agencies promoting “Minnesota’s STRONG regulations” for protecting it’s citizens and the world. You can read more or sign up for delivery by subscription at Zenith City Weekly

Citizens of Northeastern Minnesota begin to awaken to the real dangers and pitfalls of Non-Ferrous Exploration and Mining!

Citizens meet to sign Moratorium on Copper mining in MN

Citizens beginning to meet on Copper Mining in MN

Three major steps! Watch the Videos below.

Three major victories occurred for people in Northeastern Minnesota in October. Although these victories are very significant they are only temporary. We only have a few months to slow the Mining/MN Political juggernaut that thinks Copper mining is the only alternative for Minnesota.

October 9, 2011 Stony River Township Meeting Video The citizens of Stony River Township met to learn more about Non-Ferrous mining and to sing the unanimously passed Moratorium.

MN Executive Council Postpones 77 mining leases Video The Minnesota Executive Council, primarily at the insistence of Governor Dayton, responding to the outrage of citizens directly effected by drilling and some would say heavy handy policies and antiquated land lease laws that favor mining over citizens, correctly, but only temporarily held off on issuance of 77 mining leases.

October 22, 2011 Eagles Nest Township Meeting Video Dan Humay, a supervisor in Eagles Nest Township, gave an impassioned plea and inspiring presentation in support of the Stony River Township Moratorium and encouraged citizens in attendance to act now before it was too late.

Don’t stifle views of those who worry about new mining impact

Don’t stifle views of those who worry about new mining impact...printed in the Ely Timberjay Sept. 19, 2011...image was not included in original printing, we added that.

In Sunday’s Mesabi Daily News, Bill Hanna, headlined his front page with the news article, “Never Mined.” From his bully pulpit Mr.Hanna derided the North House Folk School for presenting a play against PolyMet and scolded the IRRRB for giving funding to a community arts group that would dare question the copper/nickel/precious metals proposal in our backyard. Tony Sertich and David Dill stated this group had a right to present an anti-sulfide mining play, but Mr. Sertich also stated that funding to this community group “might be something to look at in the future.”

When freedom of expression is held ransom, like the debt ceiling was, because persons in the media and our elected officials use their power and money to silence the opposition it is time that they be reminded that people on the Range are informed, intelligent and have an obligation and right to present the other side of the story.

This is not an anti-mining stand. My father worked in the Soudan Underground Mine and relatives and friends are employed by the taconite mines today. But we also hunt, fish and run businesses that are based on the tourist industry economy in Nothern Minnesota. This is a stand based on facts that sulfide mining in our backyard is a very toxic idea for people, wildlife and our environment. We are a state of 10,000 lakes; not 10,000 mines. We have a diverse economy and know that to permit damage to our lakes, rivers and water through sulfide mining is not an intelligent choice. A vision for the IRRRB, our elected officials and the media is to respect and protect the diversity of this area and be a guardian of all its natural resources—not a destroyer.

It is time for those who use the bully pulpit in their news outlets and the elected officials of all government to take notice. See what is happening in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and across the United States where the infrastructure of our middle class— the teacher, the policeman, the firefighter, the nurse— is being destroyed. This is not only a sulfide mining problem in our backyard; it is an attack and undermining of our democratic way of life. You can distort or omit the facts. You can refuse to print or edit our point of view. You have one vote. We have one vote. We have a voice! We are informed! We are many!

Cathy Carlson

Lake Vermilion

Tower, Minn.

Mining Promises and Reality

Non-Ferrous Mining Employment reality different than the sales pitch

What would be different about Non-Ferrous Mining? Nothing!

From “Mining in Minnesota’s Iron Range: Past and Future Perspectives by Thomas Michael Power, Economics Department, The University of Montana:

The Economic Promise:

Tremendous Wealth Extracted

High Wages Paid

The Economic Outcoume:

Depressed and Rundown Towns & Regions

Lower average incomes, higher unemployment

Mining Regions are Economically Depressed


What would be different with Copper Nickel Sulfide Non-Ferrous mining?  Absolutely nothing except for the significantly increased problems from acid mine drainage and the long term cleanup costs.  Ely Buzz!
The complete report can be viewed here “Past and Future Perspectives on Minnesota Mining.”

The Battle of Blair Mountain Video and Don Shelby talks about Copper Mining in Our Area

Coal Sludge Pit

Coal Sludge Pit

This CNN video shows the battle for human health and dignity vs corporate greed. Similarly, it is easy to see the same corporate nature operational in efforts to mine Northeastern Minnesota.

Also, Listen to Don Shelby on WTIP Community Radio Aug. 12, 2011 Don presents a great summary of the issues about Copper mining in a factual manner that neither Polymet nor Twin Metals could deny. He even discusses the hiring of Tony Hayward of BP oil spill fame. Very interesting comments and observations.

Results of Copper Mining is Acid Mine Drainage

Copper Mining Sludge

ALERT!!! Tell the MPCA Today!

Tell the MPCA, the agency charged with regulating mining pollution to do its job and require mining companies to obey pollution laws.

Deadline for responding: Please take a few minutes to comment on the Keetac water-quality permits by August 19, 2011.


Tell MPCA Commissioner Aasen and Governor Dayton to Enforce our Clean Water Laws

In Minnesota and in the U.S. Congress, this is a time of proliferating, multi-level attacks on clean water and human health. Please let Minnesota’s regulators know that they need to do their jobs and control mining industry pollution.
Mining company representatives and state officials have insisted that sulfide mining can be done safely in Minnesota due to the toughness of state standards for sulfates (acid mine drainage), toxic mercury and other pollutants.
So how well do state regulators actually control pollution from existing taconite mines? Unfortunately, there is a clear pattern of unchecked mining pollution.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) recently proposed permits that allow U.S. Steel to increase toxic pollution at expanding taconite mining operations.
• One draft air emissions permit would allow U.S. Steel’s Keetac taconite mine to expand and increase toxic mercury emissions by 75.5 pounds per year, despite mercury-related fish consumption restrictions on nearby lakes and streams.
• At Minntac, MPCA entered into an agreement with U.S. Steel behind closed doors to remove a requirement that U.S. Steel treat wastewater from its mining projects to comply with water quality standards, where there have been violations for years.
The MPCA has taken these actions, despite mercury-related fish consumption restrictions on Minnesota lakes and rivers and elevated sulfate levels from mining which increase the levels of mercury in fish, as well as threatening natural wild rice.
Another draft permit for the Aitkin Agri-Peat facility would allow re-opening of a peat mine without any requirement that the mine comply with mercury water quality standards.
To add insult to injury, as part of Minnesota’s budget deal, industry lobbyists pushed a law through the Legislature making it even less likely that the MPCA will require polluters to build and improve water treatment facilities to prevent sulfates from destroying stands of natural wild rice.
Now, there are two draft water pollution permits for the Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin that put Minnesota mining regulation to the test. These draft permits set no discharge limits for mercury and other toxic metals associated with mining and would allow the Keetac mine to degrade waters in the Mississippi River watershed with excess sulfate for another 8 or 9 years.
As a result of comments by citizens like you, we won an extension of time to comment on the Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin permits — Friday August 19, 2011 is the new deadline.
Please comment now on the Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin water pollution permits. U.S. Steel, which posted a $222 million profit last quarter, can afford to clean up their mess. Click on the ACT NOW button below.
If weak permits are allowed now, what protection will Minnesota anglers, hunters, residents and natural resources have against sulfide mining?
In case after case, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (“MPCA”) has allowed mining projects to increase emissions of toxic mercury. The MPCA has also failed to enforce limits on sulfate pollution that decimates natural stands of wild rice and increases mercury in fish tissue. Recently, the agency issued a draft permit that allows U.S. Steel, which posted $222 million in profits last quarter, to continue violating water quality standards without treating its wastewater.
The authority for the State of Minnesota to regulate pollution is delegated by the U.S. EPA. To keep this authority to regulate the mining industry, the MPCA must comply with the federal Clean Water Act, which requires enforcement to prevent violation of water quality standards.
Tell the MPCA, the agency charged with regulating mining pollution to do its job and require mining companies to obey pollution laws. Permits must be strong and regulations must be enforced, so that the costs of preventing pollution become part of the bottom line for the business, rather than imposing costs of resource destruction or remediating pollution on our grandchildren and the public.
Tell the Governor and MPCA commissioner to make U.S. Steel comply with state and federal regulations, immediately. When the Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin permits come before the MPCA Citizens Board for a public hearing, attend and hold U.S. Steel accountable for water pollution.
Action Needed:
Send an email to the MPCA commissioner and the governor urging them to rewrite permits that fail to protect public health, fish, and wild rice and violate the Clean Water Act. Also tell them to provide more public notice and information and extend the public comment period on these permits.
Want to do more? You can Call Governor Dayton at 800-657-3717 and Commissioner Aasen at 800-657-3864, and tell them they work for you, and you need clean water and air, not more mining pollution.
Ask them to stop allowing polluters to get away without collecting and treating their wastewater and air emissions. They must do their job, and enforce regulations on mining that effectively control sulfates, mercury and other toxic metals and sulfates. The executive branch exists to enforce the law and this is what Governor Dayton promised in his campaign for governor.
Questions? Contact Paula Maccabee at 651-646-8890 or
Deadline for responding: Please take a few minutes to comment on the Keetac water-quality permits by August 19, 2011.


In case after case, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (“MPCA”) has allowed mining projects to increase emissions of toxic mercury. The MPCA has also failed to enforce limits on sulfate pollution that decimates natural stands of wild rice and increases mercury contamination in fish.

Recently, the agency issued draft permits that allow U.S. Steel, which posted $222 million in profits last quarter, to continue violating water quality standards without treating its wastewater.

The authority for the State of Minnesota to regulate pollution is delegated by the U.S. EPA. To keep this authority to regulate the mining industry, the MPCA must comply with the federal Clean Water Act, which requires enforcement to prevent violation of water quality standards.

Tell the governor and his “pollution prevention agency”, MPCA, to rewrite permits for expansion of operations at Keetac taconite that fail to protect public health, fish, and wild rice and that violate the clean water act.

Also tell them to provide earlier public notice and more complete information and to extend the public comment period on these permits. They must do their job, and control mining industry pollution.

Governor mark Dayton
Office of the Governor
130 State Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. MLK Blvd.
St. Paul MN 55155
800-657-3717 0r 651-201-3400
651-797-1850 FAX

MPCA Commissioner Aasen 800-657-3864

TARGET MESSAGE (email to elected officials)

SUBJECT: MPCA non-enforcement of water-quality regulations on mining industry

Dear Commissioner Aasen and Governor Dayton:

I am writing to ask the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to revise the Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin water pollution permits (NPDES) and to rewrite these permits so that they protect clean water, fish and natural wild rice. I also believe that these permits should be reviewed by the MPCA Citizens’ Board and that the water quality standards set in Minnesota and federal laws must be more rigorously followed.

The Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin permits are the result of a huge expansion in mining and processing at the Keetac taconite mine, including an increase in the size of waste rock stockpiles, tailings basin volume and the use of water for mining activities. The draft permits don’t explain how the limits being set will protect water quality from being degraded as a result of the Keetac mining expansion. They also don’t set limits on the total amount of pollutants that will be dumped into Minnesota waters by the Mine or the Tailings Basin.

The draft Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin permits don’t set discharge limits for many of the pollutants related to mining, such as mercury, aluminum and manganese. At the same time, the Keetac Air Emissions permit would allow more than 75 additional pounds of mercury per year to be emitted into the air. I am concerned about the public health impacts of increased mercury in Minnesota fish – how does the MPCA propose to ever meet the requirements of fishable waters if polluters like U.S. Steel are allowed to emit more mercury before proving that they have any technology to control this dangerous pollutant?

The draft Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin permits don’t even require U.S. Steel to monitor for manganese, aluminum, hardness or other chemicals that can be harmful to health or to the ecosystem. Information from other mining projects shows that these pollutants can be elevated above water quality standards at taconite tailings basins.

This is also the first time that the State will be setting limits for sulfate that affect wild rice waters since the Legislature’s new bill was passed pertaining to the wild rice standard. It is very troubling, given the history of excessive sulfate pollution from the Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin, that the draft permits do not set any limit on total amount of sulfate that will be discharged to Minnesota waters as the Keetac mine expands. It doesn’t seem that there is any specific plan requiring U.S. Steel to improve collection and treatment of wastewater – just more studies. Keetac is not required to meet sulfate pollution limits until 2019 or 2020, so our waters could be degraded for another eight or nine years under the draft permits.

Please let me know when the MPCA has set a public hearing at the Citizen’s Board to listen to public concerns about the Keetac Mine expansion. The Keetac Mine and Tailings Basin permits need to be rewritten in an open process to require the mining company to protect clean water, fish, public health and natural stands of wild rice.

While the company may be in a hurry to receive permits, I count on you to ensure that the public receives permanent adequate protection of our air and water.


Environmental-Environmental-Environmental, say it! I know you can.

Video The one word not in Chip Cravaack’s vocabulary. “ENVIRONMENTAL”

A Wilderness Worth Preserving

Why Copper Mining just won't work for our Wilderness Area

Regulators need to protect our valuable water.

The Cracks in the Copper mining Sales Pitch…becoming clearer.

Watch the VIDEO Then comment on what CRACKS you see in the Copper Mining Sales pitch. I have a feeling we’ve just barely scratched the surface here.

The slides that Paul Danicic presented during his presentation to the Ely Tuesday Group showed only a few but some of the major faults in the Copper Mining sales pitch we have been hearing for the last few years. And the hiring of Tony Hayward by the industry further bolsters the belief that the mining industry just isn’t serious about “Doing it Right” regardless of how many times they repeat the phrase. But, as we all have learned, via Rupert Murdock and his minions, repeating a phrase often enough and long enough will convince many people of the truth of a blatant falsehood.

What other Cracks in the foundation have you found. Please share with us what you know. If we are to protect the air and water of this region, the BWCA, Lake Superior, and all points in between, we must deal in facts and not Sales pitches. There are a lot of ways to create jobs, but only one way to protect air and water. JUST DON”T POLLUTE them in the first place.

Thanks to the Tuesday Group for these opportunities to learn and discuss vital issues for our community. And thanks to The Friends of the Boundary Waters and to Paul Danicic and Ian Kimmer for their presentation.

Good people, Great event, “Never Mined” that would be Sulfide Mining of course!

The Ducks know what to Squawk about - Sulfide Mining

The ducks play a No Sulfide Mining Tune

The North House Folk School in Grand Marais hosted this joyful Solstice Puppet Pagent celebrating Minnesota’s Northland.  Families and talented participants of all ages joined to together to entertain and inform us of the value of Nature and the threat to the BWCA and Lake Superior region being offered by a new type of mining for Minnesota.  The ducks, the youth, the players and the audience voiced a playful but resounding rejection of Sulfide Mining from my point of view.  Marco Good, one of the organizers and musicians added, ” I guess it wouldn’t really be fair to say that all those assembled for our pageant were against sulfide mining.  But I do hope our sweet little show did work to raise consciousness some.” See the entire presentation from the Good Harbor Hill Players accompanied by the Gamepalaj (the band).  Enjoy!


Summer suns are glowing,

Over land and see

Happy light is flowing,

Bountiful and free,

Everyone rejoices

In the mellow rays

– William Walsham Howe, 1871
From the Never Mined 2011 Midsummer Puppet Pageant

A personal thanks goes to all the artistic, creative, and talented people from the Grand Marais area who worked so hard to make this a joyful evening.  I can’t imagine not being at each and every succeeding Solstice celebration you may imagine and present.  It is heart warming to see again there is magic and hope even under the darkest of threats.  CHEERS!