“Based on our review…EPA has rated the (Polymet) DEIS as Environmentally Unsatisfactory – Inadequate, or EU-3” Received Feb 22, 2010 This is the lowest rating possible from the EPA. Mining companies are bemoaning the slow environmental review process but take no responsibility for presenting an adequate explanation for how they are going to process the hazardous chemical in an environmentally safe way. At the same time these same mining companies assure all that they are “going to do it right this time.” Who in their right mind could believe their statements when they don’t match their actions. Seems to be an industry wide problem. See Bob Tammen explain to MN politicians that the slow environmental review is entirely due to Polymet not to environmentalists. Video: Bob Tammen’s comments to State Senators in Hibbing recently.
This really calls into question the support this project has gleaned from the JobJobJob gang including Franken / Oberstar /Klobuchar / Bakk
Don’t these people realize the minerals will be here forever and the toxic effects of mining them now would also be forever?
Much ado about nothing.
The long overdue permits will finally be granted, guaranteed, later this year.
Thank goodness someone is not cowed by the cry “we need work” has spoken out. The dangers of this endeavor far out weight any benefit economic or otherwise. Ranger’s have so long hitched their wagons to the rape of the land that it’s high time someone brought them back to reality. The land does not owe you a living. It is not OK to take and destroy just so you can drive a big truck and have a snow machine for every family member. You are not entitled to work in an unsustainable industry and then cry for help when it dies on the vine. It is unfortunate that the hardship is here but it was inevitable. Figure something else out. The land owes you nothing.