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Good people, Great event, “Never Mined” that would be Sulfide Mining of course!

The ducks play a No Sulfide Mining Tune

The North House Folk School in Grand Marais hosted this joyful Solstice Puppet Pagent celebrating Minnesota’s Northland. Families and talented participants of all ages joined to together to entertain and inform us of the value of Nature and the threat to the BWCA and Lake […]

Minnesotans have the ability, the opportunity and the responsibility to tell our legislators and our governor to support jobs and businesses that are compatible with our waters.

Carla Arneson wrote the following article after visiting the site pictured at the left with a few other concerned and outraged (this is for Gov. Dayton and his group who ask “where is the outrage?,” they don’t seem to be able to act on the facts) citizens. Here is a link to the video made […]

The opportunity of Toxiland!

Visit Toxiland

I may have underestimated local and state politicians bending all rules necessary, changing laws when possible, and giving vast sums of money to already wealthy mining companies to lure them to the Minnesota Gold, presently Non-Ferrous Metals ensuring nearly hundreds of jobs, in the short term.

But, their long term thinking […]