Information about the interactions with humans as documented by other sources:
Biggest Concern is: Who is going to be responsible for those who may develop a reaction? And, who will pay for medical expenses?
– In 1991 French scientists called for a ban on Bt containing pesticides after finding that inhaled spores cause lung inflammation.
– Direct quote from the Btk Safety Review – “Though much has been written regarding the active ingredient Btk, little is known about the short-term, long-term or synergistic effects of these potentially hazardous components of the Foray 48B in humans or in the environment.” End quote.
– Permits in Canada were cancelled by the Environmental Appeal Board after serious health concerns arose, they said there was too great a risk posed to human health.
– Asthma rates doubled in New Zealand between 2002 – 2004 for boys ages 0-4 in the spray area. Rates increased for girls ages 0-4 at 50% and ages 5-14 at 80%. Monthly hospitalizations rates among exposed group gradually increased during the duration of the spraying.
– According to Washington State Department of Health in 2002, adverse effects were reported after a spray in 59 people. Cough, wheezing, headache, trouble breathing, sore throat, nasal congestion, irritated eyes, skin rashes, upper respiratory symptoms, flu-like or viral symptoms, worsening of asthma and allergic bronchitis were among the reports.
– It is possible but unknown whether Foray 48B is a carcinogen because no long term studies have been done.
– It is possible but unknown whether Foray 48B affects reproductive health, no long term studies have been done, however it has been known to produce fetotoxicity in animals.
– During the Washington Gypsy Moth spray program, over 250 people reported health problems, 6 were treated in the emergency room for severe lung distress.
– During one Vancouver spray program, over 200 people reported health problems, mostly flu like or allergy like symptoms.
– While there are product inspections before a spray, it is possible for Btk products to be contaminated with other bacteria, thus compounding and worsening any possible affects if exposed.
– Other symptoms reported from other areas are: bacterial gastroenteritis, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, drop in blood pressure, infection of the eye and corneal ulcers, temporary but severe eye damage, neurological symptoms, musculoskeletal and endocrine symptoms, sleep problems, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, diarrhea, stomach discomfort and gas.
Some information about the interactions with animals and insects:
– Following the 1993 and 94 aerial spraying of Foray 48B over urban areas in British Columbia, reports came back on a variety of effects on a number of bird species including: bird feces turning black, bird feces with pieces of digestive tract tissue, dead fledgling birds, general lower bird populations , reduced wild bird song, dead domestic chickens, chickens with diarrhea.
– In that same two year span after spraying in Canada, reports came in as follows: No honey bees from first spray to end of July, reduction in wasp population, ladybird population drastically depleted, wood bugs became speckled with unusual yellowish blotches, drastically reduced butterfly and skipper populations, population overgrowth of other caterpillar species outside the spray area, including tent caterpillars (otherwise known as army worms), mutated more aggressive tent caterpillars observed following year, first year spray did not eradicate gypsy moth population.
– Numerous reports have been filed of adverse effects on aphid eating flies, ground beetles, certain mites and other beneficial insects.
– Following the 1993 and 94 year of spraying, certain fish developed tumors and dead fish were found in susceptible populace.
Information about Foray 48B and Btk, the active ingredient in Foray 48B:
– Viable spores are known to exist for up to one year following application.
– Insect resistance to Bt products have been well documented.
– Water treatment does NOT destroy Btk spores and may persist in water supply for up to 200 days and in the water sediment for 270 days after application.
– Btk spores can travel between 1- 12 miles outside the spray zone depending on weather.
– 800 strains of naturally occurring Bt spores may be found in the soil, but aerial spraying of such spores and other chemicals NEVER happens naturally. Since there are no long term studies, we have no idea what kind of impact this kind of thing actually does to people or to the land and other life forms that live on it.
– Because the 87% of supposedly inert ingredients in the Foray 48B is a secret, no one knows exactly what is in it except that it contains carbohydrates, preservatives, food additives, fermentation growth materials and anti-evaporants. Some of which are approved for use in food, but none of them for inhalation. And NONE of these chemicals have been tested for synergistic effects.
– No one knows if they have sensitivity to this product until they are exposed. And even persons who were exposed once with no symptoms may become sensitive to it over time and develop symptoms the next time they are exposed.
– Because Btk is used on farms that grow produce, if a person were to develop a sensitivity to it because of this spray, the next time they purchase produce that has been sprayed with Btk products it is possible for them to have a reaction to that produce and would never understand the correlation unless they were to hear and understand this information. It is entirely possible that there are far more health concerns relating to the Foray 48b because people and doctors do not draw the link between the spray and their health.
– The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires no testing of B.t. for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or chronic toxicity, so we are not certain what it has the potential to do.
– It doesn’t matter if you stay inside, because studies show that concentration levels indoors RISE following a spray. That is, it multiplies.
A study published by PubMed – Lists that symptoms increases SIGNIFICANTLY following a spray-
Foray 48B Product label, Directions and Information:—usa
Bacillus thuringiensis – Safety Review – This link provides resource listings at the end of the document.
Journal Of Pesticide Reform – This link provides even more extensive resource listing at the end of the documentation.
Study done about the indoor concentrations RISING indoors AFTER spray occurs:
News publication about a health authority warning doctors they may have more patients during the spraying…of course the information is buried, but it is interesting that this Fraser Health Authority was warning doctors.
and this link too:
From a site having to do with science and agriculture:
Many resources listed at the bottom of this document:–danger.pdf